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Playing Since: 1974
Experience Level: Purty Good

[Jamming] [Socializing]

Occupation: SW Engineer

Gender: Male
Age: 72

My Instruments:
Old German instrument. Not a Strad, but I like it.

Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Clark Kessinger is my favorite fiddler - his technical versatility and variety is amazing and I believe he has been more influential on our fiddling heritage than is generally recognized.

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Created 7/9/2007
Last Visit 7/16/2014

I played euphonium until I was a sophomore at FSU, but gave it up because I didn't have the time to practice and keep up with my studies. But shortly after I heard the Big Band Ramblers and fell in love with the bluegrass fiddle (as played by Bob Langston, Max Tillman and others in the N Florida/S Georgia area). Struggled for several years then met OTJunkie and others in the oldtime community in Tallahassee. OTJunkie, in particular , was really a helpful and positive influence on my playing. I've learned quite a few tunes in the oldtime, bluegrass, Irish tradition over the years. My personal style is definitely unauthentic but I do play in time and in tune! Moved to Massachusetts in 1980 and took a class with Alan Bloch where I met a number of local musicians. Later, I played with the Roaring Jelly contradance band for a few years. And every once in a while OTJ and I get together and play. Hot stuff! Lately I fitted a Fishman pickup on my bridge and have been playing Dylan, Greatfull Dead, and stuff of that ilk with some folks in Needham. Been trying some Gypsy Jazz - maybe I'll be better in my next life! We also play some bluegrass and oldtime tunes. I like to have performance oriented music "projects", so I take piano lessons and play the euphonium with the Boston College Symphonic Band and Needham Community Band.

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