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Doc Watson Family Milestones.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Most of you will know that Doc Watson passed away last year and so did his wife Rosa Lee. Now Nancy Watson their daughter have been working on this project for almost 10 years. Collecting never before heard home recordings from the family's private collection. Recordings by Doc and family members. Take a look at this link and listen to some samples and see some pictures:
And if you would like for the project to see the light of day and have a little money to spare take a look at the Kickstarter page. Every contribution will be welcome.
Depending on the amount of money you put into it, you'll get the chance of getting some of Doc's personal belongings, like his plectrums, guitar strings, shirts, caps etc.
Hope you'll join, and please spread the word/link to friends and family.

Jesper Deleuran
Admin. of the Doc Watson Rules! group on facebook:

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A fiddleowner in fiddlehangout

Friday, November 23, 2007 2 comments

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Playing Since: 1974
Experience Level: Novice

[Jamming] [Socializing]

Occupation: Cartoonist/illustrator

Gender: Male
Age: 73

My Instruments:
I have now dusted off and made a repairjob on my old fiddle, which I haven't touched for about twenty years, and try to practice a little now and then. I can only play in standardtuning (yet) and use the fingering I have learned on the mandolin. The bowing is the hardest thing to learn.
Other than that I play guitar (my main instrument) banjo, mandolin, mountain dulcimer, baritone ukulele, autoharp and a little piano. And I sing too.
I paly with my buddy Tobias Enevoldsen in a duo collaboration once a week, and occasionally in the old time band Big Hungry Joe.

Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Oh, too many to mention. But to name a few, Doc Watson, Tony Rice, Norman Blake, Dan Crary, David Grisman, John Hartford, Vassar Clemens, Tommy Jarrel, Edden Hammons, Fred Cockerham, Benton Flippen, Riley Puckett, The Skillet Lickers, Rachel Eddy, Andy Edmonds, Rayna Gellert, Ole Rossel, Charlie Poole, Bruce Molsky, Mike Jarboe, Bob Wills, Stephane Grappelli, Dr. John, Ry Cooder, Taj Mahal, Tom Waits, Ben Webster, Chet Baker, Svend Asmussen, Stuff Smith and on, and on, and on. I could continue for days.

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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 7/8/2007
Last Visit 2/6/2013

Born in Odense, Denmark 1951. Work as a cartoonist/illustrator. You can see some of my work on my website. Sorry most of the text is in danish, but the pictures can be understood everywhere I guess: The startpage can be seen in english too though. I have played piano, since I was 8. Guitar since I was 13, and when I was in my twenties I picked up the five-string banjo, the mandolin and the violin. I never became very good on the violin, but as long as you're not dead, you hope to continue to learn. I have recently bought myself a mountain dulcimer, and find it great fun to play, and not too hard to learn, if you don't set your ambitions too high. My main interests these days is playing old-time music with a band called Big Hungry Joe.

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