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A fiddleowner in fiddlehangout

Posted by jd1 on Friday, November 23, 2007

This is a forum for fiddlers, and I OWN a fiddle, which I take down from the wall now and then and squeech through Arkansas Traveller or one of the other few tunes I know how to play on the fiddle. But untill now, I haven't recorded anything that I will bother the ears of all the fine fiddlers in here with. But I haven't been able to resist the temptation to upload some of my small homerecordings, where I have made some overdubs, so I could play with myself and sing harmonies as well. No fiddle, but guitar and mandolin, and some singing. I hope you don't mind? One exception is a medley with the band I play in, and two tunes where my friend (both in real life and in the hangout) Tobias plays along on the banjo. He's a fine banjoplayer. And in our band we have no fiddle but a fine harmonikaplayer, Lasse, playing "the poor mans fiddle". Hope you like it. I am mainly here for socializing and jamming, if possible. And I sure hope, that some of you will feel like playing along with some of my tunes. On the other hand I can't help but notising, that I'm not the only one in here, who are not really a fiddler, or maybe wannabe fiddlers like myself, so I guess it is ok.

2 comments on “A fiddleowner in fiddlehangout”

FiddlerFaddler Says:
Friday, November 23, 2007 @10:23:14 PM

We love you anyway, Jesper.  Truth be told, your music postings are eminently fiddle-friendly, and those so inclined might be inspired to add the missing fiddle part themselves (I can't do that since I often listen while I'm at work, especially during the lunch hour).

Having heard your harmonica player on your Big Hungry Joe website, I can say that he is very impressive and one of the best that I have ever heard.  Between your picking and singing, and the rest of your band's talents, it's enough to make someone think of excuses to visit
