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Banjo Rob |
Well, today's March 19. I got my fiddle out again the other day and tinkered with it for a little while. According to this site, it looks like it was about 3 weeks ago I posted a few topics about bridge adjustments and what not. Didn't really do much after that. I have a hard time playing the fiddle, as I'm primarily a banjo player (not a very good one, either!) I find that when I play, I get frustrated and I switch over to the banjo just to make music. I don't know.
I guess maybe I'll start a topic on practicing. See what people have to say about it.
1 comment
Playing Since: 2007
Experience Level: Just Startin'
[Jamming] [Socializing]
Occupation: Horticulture
Gender: Male
Age: 47
My Instruments:
Heinrich Siegler HS-20
Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Currently listening to a lot of Tommy Jarrell, Fred Cockerham, Kyle Creed, Brad Leftwich... Also listening to Riley Baugus, Dirk Powell, Kirk Sutphin, Clyde Davenport, Alan Jabbour, Ken Perlman, Walt Koken, Bruce Greene, and all other awesome old-time music! Any suggestions for Kentucky/West Virginia players are welcome!
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 2/26/2008
Last Visit 4/16/2009
Hmm...I primarily play old-time banjo and I'm trying to learn the fiddle in order to be able to play more. You know, just expand my old-time knowledge. Besides, the fiddle is awesome and seems to allow more diversity within old-time. At times, the banjo can be limiting. Otherwise, in a nutshell, I am 30 years old, born in Cleveland and raised in Bay Village. I attended The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute in Wooster, OH. I moved around for a few years, lived in Western North Carolina for a few years and learned old-time down there. I am now living in Medina, OH. I just moved there on Saturday, Feb. 16 to help my parents develop and farm some land nearby in York Township. I'm trying to make some old-time connections here so I can continue playing with people, maybe form a band...I don't know. More to come in the future...