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Peghead replied to topic 'Fiddle Scales Practice' 58 min
Peghead posted a forum topic 'James Price RIP' 1 day
carlb replied to topic 'My Pet Peeve Tunes' 2 days
Peghead replied to topic 'My Pet Peeve Tunes' 2 days
carlb replied to topic 'My Pet Peeve Tunes' 9 days
carlb posted a forum topic 'My Pet Peeve Tunes' 10 days
carlb replied to topic 'What tunes you playing today ' 12 days
carlb replied to topic 'Play Fly Around Pretty Little Miss in D from Emmett Lundy (?)' 15 days
carlb replied to topic 'Play Fly Around Pretty Little Miss in D from Emmett Lundy (?)' 15 days
Fiddler replied to topic 'What tunes you playing today ' 20 days
Peghead posted a forum topic 'String question' 23 days
Peghead replied to topic 'WTH, is there a trick for this chord?' 25 days
Peghead replied to topic 'How to develop energy in you fiddling??' 35 days
Fiddler replied to topic 'Playing when you've had a little too much' 35 days
Fiddler replied to topic 'How to develop energy in you fiddling??' 41 days
Genre: Old-Time
Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Genre: Old-Time
Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Genre: Old-Time
Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Genre: Old-Time
Playing Style: Unknown/None Chosen
Experience Level: Purty Good
[Jamming] [Socializing]
Occupation: Artist
Gender: Male
Age: 54
My Instruments:
Mathias Neiner (Mittenwald); 1913 F.A Sennet (Dallas, TX)
Favorite Bands/Musicians:
Everyone I learn from.
Classified Rating: (0)
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Profile Info:
Visible to: Public
Created 1/25/2008
Last Visit 3/27/2017
Fiddle and guitar player from Austin, TX. I am currently exploring archaic and rare tunes from Texas. Have a look at my website if you want to see some of my art: http://www.howardrains.com
Newest Posts
'The Buffalo Song' 1 day
'James Price RIP' 1 day
'Chin rest vs chest rest' 4 days
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'Done Gone - Jesse Milnes' 6 days