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Slow me down.

Posted by tonyelder on Thursday, February 4, 2016


I'm starting to feel weird about posting one tune after another.

I thought I had well thought out reasons for wanting to do this - but its time to re-evaluate my motives, and consider the perception I might be creating for myself in the eyes of others.

With that said - I will tell you that it was fun, and very educational.

I've done this before in he past - and while doing this again I have been reminded - that recording myself while playing is one of the hardest good things I can do for helping me learn to play fiddle.


16 comments on “Slow me down.”

ChickenMan Says:
Friday, February 5, 2016 @4:09:29 AM

I, for one, have enjoyed it, so if you decide to do it again we'll leave the light on for you.

tonyelder Says:
Friday, February 5, 2016 @9:49:49 AM

Thanks. I just don't feel comfortable going to the Sound Off page and seeing it look like "tonyelder" has taken over. What does that say about me?

The original idea was to provide a place where folks who wanted to join our new Old Time jam could go at least get familiar with the tunes I play, what they sound like when I play them and know where I learned. If they were interested in that.

Wishful thinking. I've done this before with handing out CD's with my source recordings for the tunes I like to play - along with an electronic spreadsheet with hot links to other versions that are available on the internet (Slippery-Hill, YouTube). I spent a lot of time putting it together - because I thought (hoped) others would be interested. Well, they were impress with my effort - but it was a bit naïve for me to think folks would be interested in learning what I play.

But this was the sort of thing I was offered when I first started - and I appreciated it. I worked on learning those tunes using what they gave me.

I do plan to continue with recording a "tune a day" as a personal commitment - for my own benefit. And later, I may decide to post them on my music page, but... I will be more selective and less frequent with what I post on the Sound Off page.

Anyway... that's today's plan.

Lynn1 Says:
Friday, February 5, 2016 @12:29:15 PM

Tony, I've enjoyed them very much. I wish you lived closer, I would take lessons from you.

Astrang Says:
Friday, February 5, 2016 @1:18:57 PM

I’ve enjoyed all the tunes, and the added history and research. I say let er go boys

tonyelder Says:
Saturday, February 6, 2016 @7:04:44 AM

All of your kind words are appreciated. Sincerely, it really means a lot to me.

If I do this again, it will be - in large part - in response to your encouragement.

Thank you.

Cee-Jay Says:
Monday, February 8, 2016 @4:05:07 AM

I don't post her much, but I read here regularly and I wanted to chime in and say I really have enjoyed the tunes you have posted and the learning resources you are providing for other fiddlers. I think probably there are lots of quiet people (like me) who are and will benefit from your postings but may not speak up! Anyway, I thought I'd share that cuz I hope you'll keep posting! :)

tonyelder Says:
Monday, February 8, 2016 @4:40:54 AM

I'm glad you are enjoying them. And I really appreciate your kind words. Thank you!!!

pete_fiddle Says:
Monday, February 8, 2016 @9:46:46 AM

Its great here in the UK, to hear a real live American musician, playing some real live American tunes, have enjoyed them all
thanks for posting (maybe we'll get some more in a bit....? )
Cheers Pete

tonyelder Says:
Monday, February 8, 2016 @1:17:27 PM

Goodness. Thanks Pete. Thank you very much!

TuneWeaver Says:
Monday, February 8, 2016 @2:08:36 PM

I agree that it is hard.. Besides Red Light fever, there is usually the lack of a good guitar or banjo player to fill in the 'spaces' and fiddle tunes don't always sound as good as they could without other musical help.. In my case, the best tunes I've posted had backup......I no longer like posting solo tunes.

Fiddler Says:
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 @7:35:58 AM

Tony - I agree with your sentiments. I do enjoy what you post (also others!) since it gives me a different perspective on a tune. You have also given me a kick in the rear to post more of my own things and to do some current recordings. Now I just need to retire so that I can keep up with you and Lee.

tonyelder Says:
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 @8:35:46 AM

I can waste a whole evening re-recording one take after another and never be totally satisfied. So, I have learned - unless I make a real train wreck mistake - leave it alone. And that is when I decided to start recording tracks with the other instruments. You are right - it does help make the tune sound better and helps keep some of my "short comings" on the fiddle from being so painful and obvious. Besides - its fun (for now). If I don't get too picky, I can have it all done in about 30 minutes.

But maybe I'm not being picky enough. Some of the intonation issues are more than just boarder line. And you can sure tell - I don't have a light touch with the bow. ; -)

Maybe Audacity has some features that will fix those things... lol.

tonyelder Says:
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 @9:06:21 AM

Kirk - I just caught on to the fact that you have been uploading a few over the past few weeks. Some great tunes too. My wife and I are making plans for Mt View in April - so, I need to spend some time with your stuff and get ready.

Retired? Retired?? Isn't that where you just keep getting tired over and over again?

Fiddler Says:
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 @9:13:03 AM

Great!! I'll look forward to meeting you. OT Central is typically the porch of the Wildflower B&B just off of the square. It's where my wife and I are staying. My PigAnkle associates will be there, too. Even though there are chairs/benches on the porch, they are marginally suitable. (See photos on my hp.) So, having your favorite stool is likely a good thing.

Fiddler Says:
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 @11:24:17 AM

"Retired? Retired?? Isn't that where you just keep getting tired over and over again?" ---- Isn't this why you people take afternoon naps and go to bed by 8:30pm?

tonyelder Says:
Tuesday, February 9, 2016 @12:11:18 PM

lol... a few more years for me. So, I'll let you know then.

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