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A New Project

Posted by tonyelder on Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Time for a blog. 

This is not just the beginning of a new year, but the start of a new "project" of sorts. I'll spare you the details and share the short version:

I've been given the opportunity to host a bi-monthly Old Time music jam. We need something to offer folks in the Memphis area who might be interest playing or just enjoy hearing Old Time music.  

So, I am trying to commit to posting a tune a day here at FHO in my music folder (both at tempo and slow versions) - for as long as it seems to serve a purpose - in an effort to make a resource available for folks to hear the tunes that I play - they way I play them. That way - if they come - they will be familiar with some.

I'm not really trying to make great recordings (using my Samsung phone laying on the desk in front of me - thanks to a suggestion by Bill Kearney/Chickenman). And I'm not after perfection (that will be obvious). These are takes that are made good enough to keep from totally embarrassing myself. Hopefully, the melody and rhythm of what I play will be good enough to follow and enjoy, and everyone will understand the purpose behind me doing this.

These are not - by any means - the definitive versions, the earliest versions, the most popular versions, or the best versions. But I do include the source of the version I play. They are the versions I like and the ones I learned from.

I invite (encourage) others to include there version (for the variety) - or other information about any of the tunes that you think is worth mentioning or passing on (that would be appreciated).

It will be interesting to see how long this lasts...

We have our first jam session on Saturday the 23rd, in mid-town / Memphis at the Stone Soup Cafe - from 6PM til 9PM. It is scheduled for each 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.

Hopefully this will last a long time. Please - do let folks know who might be interested and come visit if you can.



7 comments on “A New Project”

groundhogpeggy Says:
Wednesday, January 6, 2016 @11:14:54 AM

That's a great project, Tony...I'll be following! Always good to hear some tunes other people are playing.

ChickenMan Says:
Wednesday, January 6, 2016 @7:31:58 PM

I look forward to seeing what you post. I might borrow a tune or two for the jam I host. Isn't modern technology grand?

tonyelder Says:
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 @4:45:17 PM

Peggy. I'm hoping it develops into something for folks to enjoy - as much as I do.

tonyelder Says:
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 @4:49:46 PM

Billy - The phone is probably not the best recording method to use - and I'm using a voice recorder app - not a music. So there are no settings - turn it on and record. But I am pretty impressed with what this lower end method is able to produce. It truly is amazing what we have available now - through technology. // And the thought of you finding something here that might be useful - is flattering. Thanks.

Lynn1 Says:
Wednesday, January 20, 2016 @3:41:04 PM

I enjoy the music. The recording quality is great. Really interesting about your Alaska workplace.

tonyelder Says:
Wednesday, January 20, 2016 @4:26:35 PM

Alaska was truly a grand adventure. We left so many good friends. There are times we wish we were still there. But coming back to Tennessee was the right thing at the right time. Several events since we have returned has convinced us of that.

You kind words are appreciated and encouraging. Thank you.

Fiddler Says:
Sunday, January 31, 2016 @6:11:35 PM

Tony - I enjoy your recordings. You have reminded me of some great tunes I haven't played in quite a while and some that I need to learn. If I can find the time, I'll post my versions of what you post - and maybe a few others from my playlist. Good luck with your jams! -- Kirk

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