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Posted by fiddlepogo on Friday, January 23, 2015
In November I was feeling crummy, no energy, and it took a while before I realized it might be a cold or flu bug. The symptoms were mild though. However, it produced enough gunk in my head that the Eustachian tube on the right side plugged up, and the ear got infected. I was down to maybe 1/3 of my hearing on that side for weeks in December. Then, in early January, THAT finally cleared up, but I was feeling weak, and then last week.... wham.... another flu bug. More obvious than the first, still not too severe, but I did have to call in sick on a gig. I started feeling better Friday, and was able to perform Friday and Saturday. I've still been feeling weak this week though. But my strength is increasing to where I'm getting more practice sessions in. Oh yeah, we had some rain, and my main fiddle sounded like it had a cold too!
Anyway, for better than two months now, I've seldom felt like going downstairs and having a late night practice session.... I've tended to sit in front of the computer instead.... can't you tell? My post count has been going up even faster than normal!!!
Tonight's practice session felt pretty good, we'll see how it goes. I'd like to record a little more with the new (to me) computer recording setup, but since "Red Light Fever" always takes a hit on the playing quality, if I'm not playing pretty well to start with, the results are bad enough that I won't post them!
I also lost some strength in my legs because I wasn't walking very much at all. So I have to build that back up too.
And I found this smiley.... made me laugh!
2 comments on “Hard Slogging- Trying to Regain Lost Ground After Influenza Flew In!”
ChickenMan Says:
Friday, January 23, 2015 @9:18:27 AM
You sound liked someone who would actually benefit from a flu shot. I get one these days because I work with at risk population. Judging from your double wammy I'd say you might be an 'at risk' individual.
fiddlepogo Says:
Friday, January 23, 2015 @12:12:32 PM
Maybe... but I also read a news article saying the effectiveness of the current vaccination was very low.
Then you have the factor that you usually have to go to a clinic full of sick people who are crawling with all kinds of bugs to get the flu shot!
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