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William hails from Ridgecrest, CA and won the drawing for a complete Richard Bunnel fiddle outfit! from our friends at Kennedy Violins. Congrats, William, and thanks to Kennedy for sponsoring the drawing!
3 comments on “Congrats to Ricard Bunnel Outfit winner William Willis”
yogi93555 Says:
Tuesday, July 31, 2012 @8:38:04 PM
THANKS to Eric for all his hard work keeping the Hangout a first class act. I would also like to thank Kennedy Violins and all the sponsors for their support.
Bill Willis
richdissmore Says:
Friday, August 17, 2012 @6:54:18 AM
congrats on winning
yogi93555 Says:
Friday, August 17, 2012 @9:47:19 AM
Thanks, It's a great violin that Kennedy donated to the Hangout and Eric is a super guy for keeping The Hangout A great place for Fiddlers everwhere. We all need to let the sponsors and Hangout know that their apprechiated.
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