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1st off - Many thanks to all who keep the USA a free fiddle playing country!
(Being that it is memorial day here) 5/28/12
It's a bit chilly lately - (good for me-love it!) and been awhile since I have had more than a second or two to post much of anywhere - (quickies on FB.)
My fiddle collection has grown to 6,, with the odd fiddle literally appearing on my doorstep! lol! ("well, we heard that you play...") In various states of playabability. but all can be fixed! Banjos are staying at a nice 3 - and my fav there is still Deering. Still running with 22 tenants - (tenants. like that baby commercial out on TV - also do not keep business hours.) Sigh...
Currently working on writing a jig for my cousin, who is a stepdancer - (It just arrived in my head one night, can't do nuthiin' but scritch it down and play it when that happens - )and seem to have migrated into fiberarts and sculpting, along with fid and banjo. (this has all been necessitated by A) No budget B) disjointed unpredictable time slots, and c) me and idle hands don't mesh to well. Rather have a good create vehicle in them! LOL! And yes, I am still teaching myself cooking, and still breaking squash with hammer & screwdriver. I am also working on a tune about my egyption walking onions! Bizarre things! (grows at the TOP) tastes like the most savory things EVER! Harvest in Aug. Now that Spring seems to be fickiley deciding whether it is here or not - (well, the weeds are growing, if not much else) - soon I will be able to git outside my door, fiddle in hand, to scare the raccoons and battle the cars that go by with the radios blasting.
However, the trees above are FILLING OUT! So the dappled shade is arriving!
5 comments on “Sunday Eve! 5/28/12”
John Gent Says:
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 @8:11:36 AM
Well, it's good to see you poke your head in here now and then. I sure miss e-seeing some of the old timers.
bj Says:
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 @10:02:57 AM
Good to hear you're doing well, Jen. We've missed ya.
ladymuse Says:
Wednesday, May 30, 2012 @4:11:01 PM
Hey! I have been here - but crikie! the economy really is wreaking havoc with rooming houses. Used to be always full - but our working middle and lower class disappeared, and took with it the single males who have been there done that, and just wanted a room - so they had to go out of state to find work. This translates to constant move ins and move outs, and it is never one at a time. Yours truley is EVERYTHING here - (maintenance, cleaning, office, etc, and head "Ask Jenny" - so it's been rather freakish, time wise. 10 hour plus days, and lots of running between the 2 houses. I love my tenants, but last night I got breakfast and my 2nd cup of coffee at 8PM! 1 thing after another! Days like that - well, instead of fiddling, I just grab coffee and stare at the wall! LOL! I should be able to check in,more! Glad to hear I was missed! I have missed you guys too - so I am trying to put some more normalcy back in here!
John Gent Says:
Thursday, May 31, 2012 @8:19:22 AM
"Normalcy"? Do you think we love you because you bring "Normalcy"? HA!
ladymuse Says:
Thursday, May 31, 2012 @11:08:17 AM
Well, I will shoot for some actual fiddle/comp time, to begin with! Then all bets are off!! lol!
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