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2 Months down

Posted by brya31 on Saturday, June 14, 2008

Well, I made it to the 2 month mark.  I still practice every day, but for some reason this past week, I really feal like instead of making progress,  I think I have somehow taken a step back??  My bowing has gone south,  I think it started vacation early,  or I have gotten into some bad habits...or I am overthinking.   So lately I have been working so hard trying to figure out why my bowing is getting worse(<--I am really sliding badly across the strings) that I am causing myself to screw up on the simplest tunes.  It has been very frustrating.  It was just one week ago and felt on top of the world because I really thought I was getting the hand of this little thingy, then now WHAM!  This dad bern fiddle it starting to remind me of my golf game!  Here one week gone the next.  Oh well,  needless to say I have made progress and I tend to keep making more, I just gotta get over this hump for right now.

5 comments on “2 Months down”

fiddlepogo Says:
Saturday, June 14, 2008 @8:39:39 AM

"Sliding badly across strings" can be caused by the bow
crossing the strings at something other than a right angle.
Look at your bowing action sideways in a mirror.

Have you changed something about the way you hold the fiddle?
Started using a shoulder rest when you didn't use one before?
Or stopped using a shoulder rest?

Michael aka fiddelpogo

brya31 Says:
Saturday, June 14, 2008 @9:24:11 AM

Thanks for the comment Michael...let me try to describe what I have noticed.    When I get the squeeky sound, I notice that I am  kinda pulling the bow back towards my body at the bottom of the down bow.   I guess I am bowing more in an arc around my body rather than keeping a straight sawing type motion?  Guess thats the best I can describe it???  I really mess it up when I try to speed things up.   I have really tried to keep the flexible wrist motion that is shown by that gal on musicmoose and the way Jim describes on his fiddlehub site, but my writst just doesnt seem to want to be that flexible, but the strange thing to me is .that when I mimick their motion without a bow in my hand, I sure seem to be doing what they are doing, but when I put the bow in my hand, I cant seem to simulate what they do...    I use to use the TUF grip, but after a couple of weeks I changed to the ..."classical method?"  This did help me somewhat.

bsed55 Says:
Saturday, June 14, 2008 @9:12:21 PM

Do you keep your shoulder almost locked in position? You should! And then you should draw the bow stroke FROM YOUR ELBOW. Watch yourself in a mirror. Make sure the bow stays fairly straight between the bridge & the fingerboard. It won't always be perfectly straight (I look at my own action all the time and I can attest to this), but mainly do the best you can avoiding steep angles. That's what can cause those awful squeeks. Hope to see you at Battleground.

brya31 Says:
Sunday, June 15, 2008 @8:00:21 AM

Thanks for the advice bsed    and yes   I will be at Battleground     I really cant wait to see The Flat Mountain Girls and The Foghorn Stringband

banjoscotty Says:
Saturday, June 28, 2008 @5:29:43 AM

Nine tenths of correcting a problem is recognizing what the problem is.Sounds like you'll be getting it corrected very soon.Keep Sawing

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