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Posted by bcindyfree on Friday, March 16, 2012
I got a new student last month in February and hope to get a second lesson with them re-scheduled soon. Just did major repair on two violins his and my new one bought from Amazon. I hope he wants the instrument I fixed and will trade his violin for this one. It is a beauty! If I can upload a pic of it to this site I will try soon. That is a great idea and I see others on here with pics so why I am so behind on this technology? I have a camera but I guess I am old school and not a tekky person. I have been busy working three jobs and going to school so I got my hands tied! However, I will try to get on this site every week to stay better in touch with my group and my fiddle buddies. I appreciate everyone's support. I am running a March Special for new students who sign up for lessons. No registration fee and a free surprise mystery gift! Please call me or email me if interested. My email is: creativebeylife@hotmail.com and phone is 618-942-3680 or 618-727-0820 cell. So the student count for me now is 2 regular 1 come and go. I hope my come and go becomes more regular. I won't say his name but I would like to teach him the Suzuki book 1. I am happy to finally advance from book 5 to book 6 these past few months. I would also like a business loan so I can open a local music store. However, I am having credit problems from the past haunting me right now so it will be years before that can happen however I am open for business right here out of my home. I will still travel too! I rented a teaching room last month for my new student at Swivelbine's in Marion since my house is cluttered with my yard sale and e-commerce merchandise (the other part of my business) so I couldn't pass the chance to finally get the opportunity to teach out of a music store. I loved it! The owner was so friendly and I look forward to renting the room again in the future. Sorry to say, but due to inflation of cost of living my lesson rate is back up to $20 per lesson however, I will go longer than an hour honestly and I am waiving the registration fee of $25 and lowering instrument rental fee to $15 and giving away free gifts so this is the best time for someone to sign up. I got flyers posted in a free public places and have been busy trying to simply "get the word out" about me. I feel more happy psychologically lately and feel this has taken a very positive turn in my professional career as a teacher and as a violinist. I feel too I am in it for the long haul! Next step as far as education goes, I want to get my master's in music education or at least in elementary education. I love teaching children because their curiousity is so wonderful. But adults are nice to teach with too. Lastly, I think I can maybe squeeze into my schedule one more student and the thing that would help to start right away with me is to have a good working violin of your own. I can get one for you but the ones here locally at antique and pawn stores are pitiful and in real bad shape and take a while to fix. Honestly too, I can't afford to buy another violin right now and fix one up. My car needs some work and I am trying to save money to fix it. I am willing to let someone play my violin but I would seriously have to think about it. It is sentimental my violin. I have had it since I was 16 it's like my child. Hard to part with but if I must to have another student I will try to consider it. Well folks, my shoulder hurts and its past time for bed its 5:24 am. I miss you guys here and look forward to re-connecting. Thanks again for your kind support. Have a great day!
~Lucinda Kerrigan~
2 comments on “Got a New Student! Yay! March Special and maybe one more student...”
richdissmore Says:
Friday, March 16, 2012 @8:02:19 AM
wish you the best times are hard rigth now theres a music store neer me that could use a teacher but can,t pay for one the fiddles they sell are VSO so that does not help the students glad you have a new student and i hope you get many more
bcindyfree Says:
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 @3:34:55 AM
Thanks Rich! I actually yesterday got an email inquiry through my new company website. A young 23 yr old femaie said she is renting a violin and is wondering how much I charge. I have a special going this month. I told her about it in a reply email. Haven't heard back yet but I will wait a couple of days before sending a follow up email. I don't want to be a pest or anything. Just want another couple of students so I can compensate for slow internet sales right now and make monthly ends meet. Like you said times are hard right now and they are definetly hard on me and my family. I am working three jobs and going to school. I teach violin do e-commerce sales, mystery shop, online surveys and other sites that pay a few cents to help others out, caregive my mother and go to school. So this month finances are better on the regular income side finally have one but on the downside I had to consolidate all my credit cards and close them and hire a debt relief company to help that out plus hire a lawyer to fight old creditors to take off negative items on my credit reports. So hopefully, if all goes well I will be better on my feet money wise in a few years but then...student loans will be due... I guess the bills in life never end. My violin bridge popped off during a lesson by the way! I wanted to tell you because now it is funny but that day it freaked me and my student out! First time in teaching for 8 years and the darn thing just pops off and flew in the air almost hitting my student! Fortunately it hit her music stand but I almost cried and my heart was racing. How would you have reacted to that? Has your bridges are popped off and flew in the air?
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