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Posted by fiddle girlie on Saturday, May 10, 2008
Well, we got to Waynesville, North Carolina two days ago, and I'm finally on a computer! You should have seen the lightening storm we had last night! It was beautiful. We're in our new house now, but not quite unpacked.
So my sister, Courtney, just bought the new "Athena" at Nechville a few days ago! We're SOOO happy! It's the first one that Tom has made, and he only has one put together right now, so if you see him anywhere, he'll probably have it with him! He's letting us make payments. He's such a nice guy. when we get our internet set up at home I'll put some pics of the banjo, the shop, Tom and Courtney. They picked together for a while, trying out the new banjos. Well, gotta go!
From NC, Nikki
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