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Posted by drypitstop on Friday, July 6, 2007
3 comments on “Cello fingerboard has slight up appearance”
ladymuse Says:
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 @12:34:01 AM
Dennis - get a hold of Voodoo or Hardykefes - or MD -you should post this in the repair section - - they'll give you the lowdown and a fix -
cmreid Says:
Friday, October 24, 2014 @8:20:42 AM
Hello:if the pull up isnt to much, remove fingerboard plane neck straight,finger board could be planed underside level, a little work most musical instruments repairs require patience...replacing neck to expensive for your situation,,good luck....
drypitstop Says:
Friday, October 24, 2014 @8:46:45 AM
It is now seven years later, thanks for the info, the problem has been resolved, I just changed the fingerboard, I got a hold of some severly damaged Cello,s just took parts I needed and disposed the other , some didn't have a top or a back , ribs missing lots of broken instruments beyond repair....................................................Dennis
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