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Posted by FiddlinMikeRolland on Sunday, August 7, 2011
Fiddlers and pickers! Musicians and students! Lovers of bluegrass and jazz! Gather round, I have glorious news!
Yes, that’s right, FiddlinMike.com is now up and running! You can subscribe ro a Silver or Gold Membership, or buy lessons individually in the store section. I’m very excited to work with many of you and to respond to your lesson requests. If you ever have the desire to learn a specific tune, technique, solo, etc., just send me an email and I will respond with a video lesson right away. So sign up and start fiddlin!
3 comments on “FiddlinMike.com is now up and running!”
dwoolsey Says:
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 @6:54:56 AM
Hi Mike~so glad you got your site up. I was raised in Mesa so it's nice to see someone on FHO that is from my neck of the woods.
FiddlinMikeRolland Says:
Wednesday, August 10, 2011 @9:30:37 AM
Wow, what a coincidence! When did you live here? Maybe you knew my dad, Peter Rolland. He was fiddling and teaching a lot in AZ starting back in the 70's.
dwoolsey Says:
Thursday, August 11, 2011 @8:17:34 AM
I never knew your family but, my friend Nancy Caywood would alway say that you were all so very talented. I called her yesterday and told her you're posting on FHO. I lived in Mesa til the 80's then my family moved to Florence and now I'm in Coolidge. I enjoyed the lesson your dad posted the other day here.
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