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Posted by Jonnybanjo on Saturday, May 28, 2011
I'm really looking forward to the Coastline bluegrass festival this next weekend.
Hope the weather picks up bit otherwise I'll be envying those Welsh mountain sheep with their wooly jumpers.
Any other FHO members attending?
4 comments on “North Wales Coastline Bluegrass Festival.”
TopCat Says:
Saturday, May 28, 2011 @12:06:03 PM
Hello John,
I'm planning on being there. It'll be good to see you and the Buddies again and I hope to sing and pick a couple of songs with you. I too am hoping for an improvement in the weather!
Maria x
Jonnybanjo Says:
Tuesday, May 31, 2011 @11:35:20 AM
Hi Maria,
Yea come and join us.
Are you up playing fiddle yet in jams? If so that would be good.
Weather forecast is looking good. See you there. John x
TopCat Says:
Wednesday, June 1, 2011 @10:08:08 AM
Eh up John,
I look forward to seeing you there! Fingers crossed the good weather forecast is right. I am indeed (attempting) playing my fiddle in jams. I'm rubbish mind, but a bit more confident than on banjo! I'm singing out a bit these days too.
M x
Jonnybanjo Says:
Wednesday, June 1, 2011 @12:35:03 PM
More confident than banjo? Wow, I wait to hear you.
We're setting off Thurs dinner time. See you there.
John x
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