Since picking up my fiddle, two weeks ago yesterday, I can't say that my playing has improved much. I'm still struggling with the D scale. But I did manage to work out a rough version of Wayfaring Stranger, at least I recognized it, I'm not sure if anyone else in the house did. It seems that I'm also hitting a lot of extra notes that are not only unwanted, but unpleasant. I also have a five year old helper that doesn't want me to practice, so there may be a half size fiddle in his near future if only so he will let me use mine. I was looking for a challenge, and I think I found it. Picking up the banjo, or the mandolin, in my forties, wasn't a major ordeal since I had been playing the guitar since I was about twelve. This is different, this is more like trying to play the bugle, it's completely different from the other strings. I think I like it.
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