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I'm featured in the Coastline Pilot!

Posted by halleford on Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm so excited to be featured in the Coastline Pilot today... I'm going to run down to town during lunch and pick up a fresh copy from the news stands!!

Here's a funny quote from the interview: "Although walking along Diver's Cove is a favorite pastime, [Halle] admits that the places that inspire her most involve a different, smaller body of water.  'I think of my best stuff in front of the kitchen sink — it's the smells, washing dishes, cooking,' [Halle] said. A close second is the shower."

There's also a surprise announcement.... read about 2/3 down the page....


Halle Ford - Please visit me on Facebook Halle Ford - Please visit me on mySpace Halle Ford - Please visit me on the All Strings Community Halle Ford - Please visit me on ReverbNation Halle Ford - Please visit me on iTunes Halle Ford - Please visit me on Amazon Mp3

4 comments on “I'm featured in the Coastline Pilot!”

WoodshopFiddler Says:
Friday, April 1, 2011 @7:20:45 PM

Most of my inspiration comes when I am sitting about 3 feet away from my shower.

Humbled by this instrument Says:
Friday, April 1, 2011 @7:38:06 PM

Good going, Halle!

brya31 Says:
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 @9:07:23 AM

Ohh I love the looks of your fiddle in this article!

halleford Says:
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 @3:26:24 PM

Thanks! I sparkled it myself, and am now working on my second one!!

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