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Hear the first 4 tracks off my VIOLIN + POP album, Pretty Girl!

Posted by halleford on Wednesday, January 26, 2011

You can now hear the first four tracks off Pretty Girl on my website.

Pretty Girl has already received quite a bit a press, and there's more on the way. Here's the latest:

Enjoy the music!



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1 comment on “Hear the first 4 tracks off my VIOLIN + POP album, Pretty Girl!”

BGT Says:
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 @7:12:00 PM

Halle, You need to be on youtube!!! I know, you are thinking, "I can't afford a big youtube production".... but don't think that way. A simple video or better yet, three videos, will get you across. You can even do the pretty girl/sexy girl thing without heavy Hollywood production values if you shoot it in a trailer home. You have a great concept...Norwegian fiddling doing fills over singer/songwriter material. You can actually play. You got the stuff, believe me. I know when you get up in the morning and look in the mirror, like the rest of us you see your imperfections. Don't worry about those, we tend to magnify them more than other people do. Your imperfections make you accessible to other people.

See, most of the folks on this site, including me, have fiddle heros that are homely, square, simple, salt of the earth type fiddlers
and in being so they are accessible. They express universal truths and common emotions that resonate with us emotionally.
I'm sure you have some fiddler icons who fit this description. You are us too. Your aggressive self promotion is admirable and has some style to it but you shouldn't describe yourself or your material as "sexy". You want other people to say it is sexy. Even Natalie McMaster (I cite her as a successful musician) doesn't describe herself as pretty or sexy. Some of her audience thinks she is sexy and she doesn't even have to proclaim it. It's not something you can control. A lot of women thought Willie Nelson was sexy and he looks like some scrub brush. With a nice smile.

Sexy comes from the heart and mind. Gestures, the lilt in a voice, an attitude, showing you have "give". I do see that in your posture that "Give". It's in your songs too.

I'm just suggesting that you go on youtube, get some playing exposure, put it out there. That's how to promote yourself. On hear, this site, stay and join us as the fiddle family. You can talk to us, we are good responders and listeners. Tell us your fears, give us performance tips, share your fiddle experience. Have some "give" with us, it will help you to be vulnerable like all of us on here.
We need your inspiration, your experience, your musical knowledge, your sense of marketing, your design sense.

You are very special Halle, we need you to be a Fiddle Hangout guru!!!!!!!!

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