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Needless to say, not all Squash are reasonable.
Sometimes you just need the hammer and screwdriver and vicegrips, not to mention the Duct tape to affix it to the counter while you operate.
It couldn't be cut easily, so I went after it punch style - and a fiddle tune grew out of it. A jig, needless to say - (and a very bad pun)
However, the squash, with it's attendant ring of punched holes, steamed very nicely for 40 minutes at 375.
I have no fear of any vegetable! LOL!
6 comments on “Screw the Squash (& Steam it)- new Fiddle Tune 11/13/10”
John Gent Says:
Monday, November 15, 2010 @7:48:55 AM
Boil the Cabbage and Screw the Squash. Sounds like a Marching Cadence in the Military.
Jen, always good to e-see you when you poke your head in here!
ladymuse Says:
Monday, November 15, 2010 @10:20:56 AM
Oh Gawds! You got me thinking again!
I have just been so slammed here - (and I am reception thru minor maintenance, and the runner of messages - glad tidings and the occasional Doom) - up and down the stairs in two houses not next to each other - Hasn't left much time lately for fiddle or claw - or computer -(although I grab either for 4 or 5 miniutes. here and there)
The computer is always full of paperwork before I can have fun, -
Thank you for checking in! Jen
Humbled by this instrument Says:
Monday, November 15, 2010 @4:58:12 PM
How do I hear the tune? I didn't see it in your music section when last I looked.
ladymuse Says:
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 @11:41:06 AM
Hey - I'll get it up - still working on the last section! LOL! (Exepet the plumbing went and a tenant's light fixture, and I am running doing errands for maintenance. Yarks! It HAS to stop sometime!
frogeyes Says:
Thursday, November 18, 2010 @9:25:24 AM
ha ha love it!!
bj Says:
Sunday, November 21, 2010 @8:03:04 AM
I've been known to take a log splitting maul to these buggers . . .
Good to see you back here, Jen! We've missed ya . . .
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