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Posted by groundhogbrains on Thursday, October 21, 2010
but I don't feel like I'm done. There are minor changes to make, but I've just been noodling around the house, fixing things up in the garden, etc. I feel like after all the effort stress and time I put into defending my dissertation I'm functioning on about 50% brainpower this week.
We're playing for some kind of celebration thing on Friday night at Native Seed Search to celebrate their new facility. Since one of our band members broke both his wrists, and mj is doing her orals it will just be three of us, and hopefully no one will listen too carefully.
I stopped by the Folk Shop to say hi, but James was out with a cold. I wanted to tell him to tell whoever gave me that violin that I really like it.
turkeys are hilarious.
bj Says:
Thursday, October 21, 2010 @2:05:39 PM
Take a week or two or three to decompress, maybe? Maybe spend a good bit of it playing fiddle and working on instrument projects (I really can't wait to see what you come up with next, so it's selfish of me to tell you this, but only a little, since you wouldn't be getting this reaction from me if you didn't LOVE to make them!)
wormbower Says:
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 @8:09:23 PM
All that stress and effort paid off, Michele. Your defense was awesome. Your slides were magnificent. Your "ant maze" was cool! Your adviser's introduction and endorsement of you were something that any student should cherish. And this molecular biologist, accustomed to being able to control every variable with precision, was thoroughly impressed with how well you were able to rigorously design and test hypotheses on ant behavior--on their own turf! You should be very proud, Dr. L.
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