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I finished the 1820-30 Jean Denizot violin last week, the young lady is very happy with it. Should be finishing up an 1840-50 English violin by the beginning of next week. Right now I have a slew of cello bridges to cut, as soon as those are finished I can get back to my new fiddle. Does not get any better than this.
bj Says:
Thursday, March 11, 2010 @4:02:44 PM
It's really great when you love what you do, huh?
emviolins Says:
Thursday, March 11, 2010 @4:10:19 PM
I look forward everyday, getting up and going to my shop!
Mandogryl Says:
Friday, March 12, 2010 @3:45:24 AM
I am jealous. I might have to retire early.
emviolins Says:
Friday, March 12, 2010 @4:44:41 AM
It's not really retiring. I work longer hours and more hours than I ever did. I just like what I do a whole lot more.
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