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Posted by Andah1andah2 on Sunday, February 7, 2010
Well, let's see.
My last lesson was about scales and finding notes without my precious fingerboard tape. I tend to come up a bit short or flat on notes. Also working on a new tune that was added. It is a french dance tune and I'll butcher the name but it is something like "Le Blestreme" or something. A nice tune which has the practice of using modals.
I enjoyed my last jam session. I spend a lot of tunes watching and learning. Eventually I'll get to the point where I can at least add background to a tune if I don't know it yet but right now I watch.
I was able to play a bunch of songs as the one's I'm learning come up at the jam each week. The play it way faster than I can, but I think that helps me too (in the long run). They even played the french tune above which was a pleasant surprise.
Not much else to say today. Gotta get cooking for the Super Bowl.
2 comments on “This week in fiddle”
Cyndy Says:
Sunday, February 7, 2010 @1:33:06 PM
I'll bet it's La Bastringue. I'm fond of that tune because I remember it from my folk dancing days. Someday I'll be able to play the B part up to speed. (smile) Sounds like you're having a great time. Nice to hear! Cynthia
Rene Says:
Sunday, February 7, 2010 @1:33:37 PM
Way to go. You are making progress, glad to see you are doing jams, that has helped my playing (mainly timing) a bunch. If I ever get back up there to visit the family we'll have to saw off a few.
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