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new viola mold

Posted by emviolins on Monday, February 1, 2010

Just finished roughing out a new mold for a 15-1/2" viola. Should have it finished by Friday. Then the fun begins. But yes, I do also make as many violins as I do violas. It just seems like I have had a run on violas.

8 comments on “new viola mold”

mudbug Says:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 @1:33:53 AM

Hey, Ed! Why don't you think about a sound file to go along with your photos, as you finish each piece. I sure would love to hear your work.

emviolins Says:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 @4:37:43 AM

They don't hang around very long after they are done. When I finish my next one I will do a sound bite and post it. The players who have them really like them.

mudbug Says:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 @9:58:32 AM

That would be wonderful, Ed. Thankyou. I look forward to not only seeing your beautiful work, but hearing it as well. Heck, you could always have the new owners join the party and give us one of their soundbites on it.

brian bishop Says:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 @3:37:03 PM

I think there is at least one person here on the fho that shows one of your fiddles on her member page Ed. Maybe she would be willing? If not, bring one along the next time you're over for a visit and I'll be happy to do it if you have something to record it on.

Humbled by this instrument Says:
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 @7:44:57 PM

Hey Ed. Out west here, with our low humidity and all, we don't have to worry much 'bout mold. Best of luck.

kubasa Says:
Wednesday, February 3, 2010 @6:51:05 PM

Sometimes making the mould is as much fun as making the instrument! At least for me - but then I've always been a little off my rocker :-)

emviolins Says:
Thursday, February 4, 2010 @4:22:40 AM

I do enjoy making molds also, but the biggest joy is the smile on someones face playing their new instrument.

bj Says:
Thursday, February 4, 2010 @5:22:27 PM

Ya know, when I first saw the blogpost title, I thought it was some sort of awful new infestation . . .

Oh dear, Humbled was thinking the same way. Which means I'm now thinking like Humbled. Woe is ME!

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