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Posted by BC on Wednesday, January 20, 2010

or Better Fiddling Through Stupidity!

I've been burning wood this year in an effort to save money.  We had a number of oaks blow down in a storm last year.  I have cut, split, and stacked wood 'till I'm sick of it.

I was throwing wood in the stove a couple days ago when, unbeknownst to me, Maggie (my dog) was sneaking up from behind.  She jumped up and caught me right behind the knees.  With cat-like reflexes(LOL) I kept myself from diving head first into the firebox by putting my hands out.  As I was looking at my leather gloves on the floor, I had a sudden urge to cook steaks on the grill; when I realized the sizzling sound was me.  My left hand was half in the fire and I was holding on to the cast iron surround.

Before I retired I taught Hazmat Technician level courses, was on a Confined Space Rescue and an Urban Search and Rescue teams.  So along with that and the triage training I had, I knew instinctively what to.  Call 911!  Nooo, I'm Irish.  How about a loud resounding "Dumb***".  I then headed down to my shop.  I did grab a handful of snow on the way.  Aaahhhhh!   Once in the shop, I found my "Emergency" supply of Scotch and took a couple shots.  Aaahhhhh!  The snow had melted and I looked down at the burn.  "Ohhh, that don't look good".  3rd degree burns from left hand thumb to forefinger, including everything in between.  I did put antibiotic on and gauze so I thought I was good to go.  Unfortunately, I told my wife what happened when she came home several hours later and of course a mother-child conversation occurred.  And of course I refused to go to the doctor; burning wood is supposed to save you money.

I wondered how I could possibly fiddle.  I found if I used enough gauze between my hand and the neck, it might be possible.  I couldn't put hardly any pressure with my fingers and strings, but wow, what a nice sound with just a light touch!  And naturally, now I'm thinking I'm pretty clever.  I had read the posts about the left hand and had thought I got rid of my "death grip" but obviously hadn't.  Now if I can only keep a light touch!

9 comments on “BURNED....”

bj Says:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 @12:09:12 PM

Oh dear . . . how long between the actual injury and the urge to make sure you could fiddle? I have to admit that with me it would have been before the medicinal scotch . . . possibly even before the handful of snow.

Feel better soon!

You have a rare treat ahead, seeing how many shades of red/purple/blue/yellow and all in between your skin can turn. I know. I once managed to dump just out of the machine espresso onto my bare foot. This was the morning I was supposed to leave to do a major antique show, with all the work that entailed.

Murphy, that little devil who makes the law, tells me you have something you need that hand for besides fiddling.

mudbug Says:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 @12:54:16 PM

Bill, your story made me cringe. So many times in our daily lives, we're just a hair's breadth away from disaster. You drew the short straw on that one. So sorry. Get better, soon.

FiddleCat Says:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 @4:41:42 PM

Hope ya feel better soon. I've only ever had small non important burns and they hurt, so I can only imagine what your going through. One thing to be very careful of is infection when it comes to burn. I understand the risk for infection is rather high. Maybe you should have it looked at.

KCFiddles Says:
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 @6:27:15 PM

I remember when I found out a hot burner looks just like a cold burner. Hand was charred before I even felt it. Be careful, keep it moist and clean, and get better soon.

fiddlepogo Says:
Tuesday, February 9, 2010 @10:27:29 PM

How's the burns healing up??? It's not keeping you from typing, so that's a good thing!

fiddleiphile Says:
Friday, March 5, 2010 @5:38:37 AM

Hey B.C. I've got a big 3yr. old chocolate Lab. He's a disaster in the studio. He too prefers the back attack. I don't know how many times I've been doing something and tried to back up only to trip over him right behind me. I have been sent stumbling into the piano rack, drum set and through guitars on stands in the studio. No damage to the instruments so far. Yep he's my buddy I think!

fiddleiphile Says:
Saturday, March 6, 2010 @6:13:55 AM

By the way, " Two Thumbs Up" for having an emergency supply of Scotch aaahhhh! Going to add some to my first aid kit.

Bonniepick112 Says:
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 @5:55:01 PM

Sounds bad. I feel sorrry. And another great blog of yours. You should start writing a book. I'm sure you could find something to write a biography about. Bad things can intrest people!!! No affence. I see. I used to be all about music in blogs. Now I'm writing all kinds of different things. What are the results from right now?

Bonniepick112 Says:
Friday, July 9, 2010 @9:16:06 AM

Oh yeah, Does BC stand for BLOG CREATOR?

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