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I came down with a nasty cold yesterday. I dragged around the house with fever and chills all day. OK that happens and you don't feel like fiddling. The wierd thing was all my ear worms died, there was no music in the head. I can't ever remember being without some kind of brain concert going on inside the crainium. About 2.30 in the morning the fever broke and here comes "over the waterfall", "Midnight on the water", and "walking in my sleep". This was the stuff I had been working on last week. The silence was over and my head was singing again.
6 comments on “The Daythe Music Died”
Arkansas Traveler Says:
Thursday, January 14, 2010 @4:52:32 AM
Glad your feelin' a little better this mornin'...
And the tunes are beginnin' to whirl around the old grey matter once again...
'appy fiddlin'
brya31 Says:
Thursday, January 14, 2010 @6:06:38 AM
Now all ya need is some American Pie
Humbled by this instrument Says:
Thursday, January 14, 2010 @8:07:29 AM
Nasty cold & fever=no fun 'tall. Glad yar feeling better.
mudbug Says:
Thursday, January 14, 2010 @9:39:59 AM
Glad you're better. Congrats on getting the music back, it helps to block out what the voices are telling you to do. ;-)
M-D Says:
Thursday, January 14, 2010 @11:18:56 PM
Well . . . at least you didn't pull a Buddy Holly. Helluva way for the music to die that.
bj Says:
Friday, January 15, 2010 @3:52:32 PM
Oh wow, you MUST have been sick for the earworms to have been drowned out in snot!
I can't remember my ear worms ever shutting up. It's funny when most people walk into my home and realize I don't have a TV OR STEREO set up. I tell 'em I don't need 'em and they just can't possbly understand. You do though. :-)
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