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Posted by Andah1andah2 on Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Had a lesson yesterday. We reviewed and played Soldier's Joy and discussed my first jam. I told her that I had gotten reckless during the past week and was trying to ear out and play some of the tunes from the jams. It felt reckless because I was doing whatever bowing came to mind in order to get the tunes out. She was actually happy that I was learning tunes and basically said that's how you learn. I did pretty well at determining the tune notes by ear and came pretty close.
The tunes that decided to try and learn were: Sho Fly, Angeline the Baker, and Liza Jane. I really like the way those tunes swing. My practices will continue to work on them with some focus on getting the wrist motion going on the 8th notes. I have also ordered the Portland Collection because the jam session uses that book and I need to learn how to read music for the future.
8 comments on “Yesterday's lesson”
Catgut.Laboratories Says:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @3:08:01 PM
liza jane is one of my favorites :)
FiddleCat Says:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @3:51:13 PM
I too enjoy Liza Jane. Angeline Baker is a lot of fun to play too.
mudbug Says:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @4:25:51 PM
Good for you, Stew! Jamming, learning new tunes, and deciding to learn to read!
bsed55 Says:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @7:04:03 PM
When I read that you told your teacher you were trying to "flesh out" other tunes on your own (particularly in a jam situation) I said "Yeah, that's good. That's what you gotta do!" Fiddlers take note.
bj Says:
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @8:35:09 PM
Your jam session uses a book? Wow. That's unusual.
brya31 Says:
Thursday, January 14, 2010 @2:23:11 AM
I believe Angeline the Baker is played everytime I go to the jam session. That is one you definately want to nail. Another one that I would recommend you get under you belt is Golden Slippers, it seems to come up everytime too.
Andah1andah2 Says:
Thursday, January 14, 2010 @4:42:48 AM
I love Golden Slippers but I'm still getting down. I may ask for it tonite as I plan on going again. Some tunes are played on the cuff , those tunes that everyone knows. I think what they also do is someone calls a tune they have worked on from the book and others turn to that page to get the basic notes then they all work it together. It seems to work well for them.
frogeyes Says:
Saturday, January 16, 2010 @10:42:39 PM
ooh angeline the baker i am going to learn that one in the next few weeks i just got a cd with that one on it i haven't heard it before totally love that tune good one you for learning by ear on your own accord and trying new things have fun playing
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