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Just finished purfling 4 sets of violin plates and a set of viola plates. I am also rubbing out and stringing up a new viola this weekend. I sure love my work!
4 comments on “purfling and new viola”
BC Says:
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 @8:12:48 AM
Wow It's certainly a blessing enjoying what you do.
emviolins Says:
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 @8:52:31 AM
Yes it is. The long work hours go by quickly! The best part is it makes other people happy too.
brian bishop Says:
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 @10:41:23 AM
what's on the cd player? how about some pics Ed. I know I'll see them sooner or later but nice for other people to see too!
emviolins Says:
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 @11:15:26 AM
I have a home entertainment center hooked up to my computer and itunes. I can listen to Irish and Scottish music for 3 days without hearing the same song.
Will have some new pics this weekend!
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