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sunday morning

Posted by brian bishop on Sunday, January 10, 2010

It's a cold sunny sunday morning in mid-michigan, very beautiful outside with the foot or so of snow.  Having some coffee and listening to Kevin and Seamus Glackin's Northern Lights recording.  Great Donegal oriented stuff.

Looking out the window in the back of the house I can see the Grand River which almost never freezes over here because it's going a little too fast.  Hundreds of geese and ducks hanging out because at this time of year it's about the only open water around.

I've told myself I should get busy on my paperwork - end of the year stuff for my business but it's just not very appealing.  I look in my shop and the violin and viola I'm working on are calling to me!  I'm very luck that my shop is on the first floor and looks out to the back yard and the river.  No dark basement for me.

But first a little more coffee (nectar of the slugs) and play a few tunes.  Glad I have my priorities straight!

5 comments on “sunday morning”

mudbug Says:
Sunday, January 10, 2010 @8:29:26 AM

Let's see........ on one hand paperwork, on the other......fiddles and fiddling. Yeah, Brian, you got your priorities straight.

bj Says:
Sunday, January 10, 2010 @11:43:58 AM

Coffee and fiddles . . . Perfect Together!

BC Says:
Sunday, January 10, 2010 @3:18:46 PM

YUP, the coffee was hot even if the weather's not. But the sun was shining and the Grand isn't froze over on this end either. I have a Datsun Roadster I'm rebuilding that was calling me in my shop, but I fiddled instead. Never did get to the car.

Mandogryl Says:
Sunday, January 10, 2010 @5:05:05 PM

I fiddled AND worked on carving the back of a fiddle today.
Sounds like you have a nice shop. It's just heaven, isn't it.....

emviolins Says:
Monday, January 11, 2010 @8:19:33 AM

I never suspected your secret was a quart sized coffee mug. Stopped what I was doing ran out and got one. I am really getting a lot done. It works! I do envy the river part .

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