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Posted by Andah1andah2 on Sunday, December 27, 2009
I am so intrigued by this whole busking concept. I really want to busk someday. Unfortunately, it will be a while before I'll be good enough to play for others. I have been reading about busking and the stories and rules surrounding the busking world. I know that my teacher was a busker at one time and also that many folks here busk as I've read some past threads. My wife bought me a book called "Busking Rules" which actually turned out to be a novel rather that a book on busking. It was a pretty good read even though it ended sadly. It is an exciting and adventurous thought to travel and busk as you go. I guess I need to attend a jam first. I've been to 2 bluegrass jams with my banjo but not yet to an old time or fiddle jam. Maybe this Thursday.
8 comments on “Busking thoughts”
bj Says:
Monday, December 28, 2009 @5:36:55 AM
Busking is a LOT of fun! I busk with Jane in Lambertville during the season, and it's amazing the things that happen. I will warn you, though. It tends to bring every town "character" out of the woodwork.
It's a pure experience. There's no barrier between you and the people who hear you. There's no "audience", in a sense, everyone near become participants, and it's all great fun! I've seen people whom you'd never expect would cut loose in any way, all armored in their suits and ties or designer finery, walking by as if on a mission, then, when coming abreast of us playing, they're breaking into a spontaneous silly little dance step so out of character it makes you grin from ear to ear. It's magic! It also seems to be age and ethnic neuter, with everyone loving it.
Get thee to a jam, Stew. It's necessary. And there's no such thing as "too early". If I had my way, anybody who wanted to start playing fiddle would pick it up and put the bow to her the first time while at a jam. Seriously. It's !IMPORTANT (as we say in the web style biz!)
Arkansas Traveler Says:
Monday, December 28, 2009 @5:46:11 AM
First... Have a go buskin' with your banjo on a nice fine day...
See how that goes...
Till you think your ready t ' rosin that bow and fiddle some great ballads...
Have fun... And a great fiddlin' new year...
'appy fiddlin'
fiddlepogo Says:
Monday, December 28, 2009 @9:38:26 PM
Farmer's Markets are usually fairly non-intimidating environments to busk in.
Busking with a partner can also cut down on the weirdos interacting with you, too.
Ozarkian DL Says:
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 @4:14:18 AM
Yeah......good idea Pogo......I'd need a big burly banjo banging brute wit ME.
Andah1andah2 Says:
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 @5:01:19 AM
I was thinking more in the line of the London Underground or Times Square in NYC. Who wants to join me?
mudbug Says:
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 @5:50:09 AM
I don't know about underground in London, but you SURE don't want to go underground in NYC.
Andah1andah2 Says:
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 @6:24:32 AM
So, I'll take that as an offer Steve. Thanks for going the team, we can fight off whatever comes in the NYC subway together. Give me another year or two to get up to level where folks might throw money not rocks. Anyone else???
lrhamp Says:
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @5:18:55 AM
Quincy Market. You'll love it.
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