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Posted by Andah1andah2 on Sunday, December 20, 2009
Well, in my last lesson after playing the 2 octaves for the G scale and the portion of the D scale that exists on the D and A strings, I was given more scales. My teacher wrote out and explained the notes to the C, A and more of the D scale. I practice all the scales and they make sense to me, with the exception of the D scale. When you start with the root note of each other scale, you can progress through increasing tones until to get thru 2 octaves. With the D scale, you get through one octave on the A string and then your left hanging after the A note on the E string. You can either wrap around and finish the notes B, C and D on the G string at a much lower sounding tone or find the notes much higher up on the E string. I hope this makes sense as I try to explain it. I am not sure which way to practice this part. I'll look for guidance from any of you fine folks or ask my teacher on Tuesday.
I also played the tunes I've been practicing and got some instruction on them. My teacher also explained briefly how to play along with a song you hear but determining the chord at the time and playing eithier the root, third or fifth note of that chord. This was because I was asking about how to play along with a song the way I might vamp a banjo.
Finally, she gave me a new song to practice, Waterbound. As usual, she played it through at different speeds on my recorder. I then went home and have been working out the notes, section by section until I got the whole tune down. I will post this tune on my MP3's after typing this entry. It is good practice on my nashville shuffle. It is fun to do it that way and also very satisfying. This is another reason why fiddle has taken over banjo. For me, it is easier to pick up a tune in fiddle, because once you work out the melody, you have a tune to play. In banjo, you have to learn so many other notes and rolls to make it sound playable. But that's just me.
Poor banjo.
bj Says:
Sunday, December 20, 2009 @1:06:55 PM
Poor Banjo! LOL!
If the jams you will eventually be going to (hopefully REALLY soon!) are crosstune jams, you're going to want to consider learning the tunes in crosstuning. Waterbound is usually played in cross A, which is AEAE. Easier to get the drones nailed in that tuning too.
Mandogryl Says:
Sunday, December 20, 2009 @3:23:25 PM
Lately I've been doing C and D scales, two octaves.
I begin with my first finger on the C (or D) note on the G string, and using 4 fingers per string,
(3 on the E string) I just play the scale. To begin playing scales this way down the road, it is good practice
to play, for instance, a D on the G string and so forth. I know you are just beginning, and so am I
(9 months now) but in time this is perhaps what you will be looking at.
You're making great progress!
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