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Winter makes me a better fiddler

Posted by brya31 on Sunday, November 15, 2009

For the longest time I would always hate to see Winter coming on.   Now I dont mind it at all.  Does my son have practice,  nope   Does he have a game,  nope...ok  does my daughter have    Lawn need mowed...nope.  What the heck should I do........Practice the fiddle.  Whohooo   I actually finalllly have time to practice and it is showing.  I am feeling more and more confident!  I am having a lot of fun again with my fiddle and I am sooo glad after my last fight  with "crappy playing syndrome" So  Winter,  I wecome you with open arms this year.  : )

8 comments on “Winter makes me a better fiddler”

BC Says:
Sunday, November 15, 2009 @7:59:21 AM

hey Rob
I'm with you. I'm not exactly welcoming winter with open arms, we average 120" a year, but no games or practice means more practice for me. Have fun fiddlin' this winter!

Arkansas Traveler Says:
Sunday, November 15, 2009 @9:19:37 AM

Have a great time fiddlin'... with all those hours on your side, for practice...
'appy fiddlin'

FiddleCat Says:
Sunday, November 15, 2009 @11:44:42 AM

If I was allowed to be a hermit through the winter I'd have to agree. I hate the cold...not saying I like hot either. But I do agree, with no yard work, I too get lots of extra practice time in.

Andah1andah2 Says:
Sunday, November 15, 2009 @2:12:23 PM

We always get socked with snow each year. There's only 2 hours of daylight anyway, why not practice and hope for another snow day!

Cyndy Says:
Sunday, November 15, 2009 @2:37:34 PM

Nice! Cynthia

mudbug Says:
Sunday, November 15, 2009 @3:32:20 PM

Yeah, I'm with you! I love winter. Not to put too fine a point on it, but don't forget that time saved from mowing lawn goes to shoveling snow, cleaning off car, scraping and defrosting windshields, and driveing slower 'cause of the black ice.

But you'll still get more practice time, even if it does get dark at 3:30.

fiddlepogo Says:
Sunday, November 15, 2009 @8:58:58 PM

There IS something about winter that is good for fiddling- If you look at many countries that lie close to or even partially above the Artic Circle (Canada, Scotland, Hebrides, Norway, Sweden, Finland) they have well-developed fiddling traditions. Fiddling is a GREAT alternative to cabin fever, or fussin and fightin' with the family when yer all snowbound!!! And in the mountains, it tends to get colder, PLUS when it rains hard, creeks and rivers always became uncrossable, and even today will wash out bridges and roads. So people would get Waterbound, the name of a North Carolina fiddle and banjo tune, and have to "Stay All Night", the name of the Round Peak version of that tune.

barefootfdlr Says:
Monday, January 4, 2010 @9:14:22 AM

LOL "crappy playing syndrome"! I just went throught that last month but we don't have weather issues here. This is the time of year to be outside and do the things it's otherwise too dang hot to do the rest of the year.
It's interesting the love/hate relationship that goes with this instrument. When I can hear myself making progress I get so excited my hands will literally itch and I can't stop thinking about playing. When I'm not making progress and not sounding any better I get excited (in a bad way) and can't stop thinking about playing.
Well, in any case, I hope you're making great strides and I hope your holidays were wonderful.

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