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Trouble on mind

Posted by groundhogbrains on Friday, August 7, 2009

 This is a video of Trouble on Mind (or trouble on my mind, or trouble in mind, or whatever) slow for Paul who wants to learn this crooked tune.

I wish I could post videos to my own page here on FHO instead of to the whole website...

14 comments on “Trouble on mind”

bj Says:
Friday, August 7, 2009 @6:20:49 PM

I love it. I can tell though, it's one of those tunes, like Wilson Douglas' version of Paddy on the Pike, that I'll have to listen to a zillion times or so, and then just let it come out my fingers. Trying to break it into parts just doesn't work for tunes this crooked. At least not for me!

wormbower Says:
Friday, August 7, 2009 @7:18:22 PM

Hey Michele, I left my comment on your You Tube site before I found your blog entry, but thank you so much! This is my very favorite fiddle tune. I've been trying to learn it since I first heard Carolyn play it at the Circle (I think this was before you started coming, but maybe you played it with her), but I just haven't been able to get the bowing right so that it feels smooth. I love those repeated dips down to the low A in the B part. That just makes the tune, and it's very "Salyer." Thanks again!! Paul

wormbower Says:
Friday, August 7, 2009 @7:27:41 PM

bj, you might be surprised to learn that it's not nearly as crooked as it sounds. In fact, every measure contains 4 beats. It's crooked because the A part has only 6 measures, while the B part has 8. If you don't believe me, check out Jeff Titon's transcription from Salyer, which is almost identical to what Michele is playing in her video.

David M. Says:
Friday, August 7, 2009 @7:29:08 PM

Durn it! Our home computer is having YouTube illness these days and won't play videos. Durn it!

David M. Says:
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @11:24:31 AM

Hey, Michele, any way to post an MP3 of this tune on your music site here? Sounds like a good tune. The embedded videos here on FHO seem to be working for me today... Go figure. the youtube videos still don't, though.

wormbower Says:
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @12:33:11 PM

Whoops. I spoke too soon. Michele is crookifying it relative to the transcription in Jeff Titon's book! At the very end--second time through the B part, she's clipping off the last two beats, going straight back to the A part. Ok, now I've got to regroup. That's going to keep me on my toes.

wormbower Says:
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @12:44:52 PM

Yep, I just listened to the original Salyer recording in Amazing Slow Downer. He does it crooked, just like Michele (and Bruce Greene and Art Stamper). Apparently, Titon got his transcription wrong.

bj Says:
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @12:53:42 PM

See that? Can't trust those dang dots . . . ;-)

groundhogbrains Says:
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @1:41:19 PM

Well, there are probably different versions of it, like any tune. I am sure there are other bowings too, this is just the one we use.

wormbower Says:
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @1:56:13 PM

Certainly, but the Salyer recording at the Digital Library of Appalachia ( has a note saying that that's the one Titon used for his transcription in his Old Time Kentucky Fiddlers book. So I'm just happy to have found the difference between the transcription and what you guys play--it was a bit of, um, trouble on my mind...

By the way, Stamper's version seems crookeder 'n all get out to me!

groundhogbrains Says:
Saturday, August 8, 2009 @8:09:00 PM

Hey David,
I would like to post an MP3, but don't think I can get one from the video using this computer. I'm going to play with one of my friends this weekend so maybe we can just record one.

George Shepherd Says:
Monday, August 10, 2009 @3:38:25 PM

I got the following error message on YouTube:
No videos found for

groundhogbrains Says:
Monday, August 10, 2009 @5:15:01 PM

Oh sad! I think Carolyn and I are going to make another video of this tune today, which should hopefully clear up the crookedness.

David M. Says:
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 @8:04:54 AM

Well, wormbower suggested I use the mediaconverter to reformat it and it worked fine. I now have a wmv of it. Great tune. Great playing! Thanks.

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