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Posted by leather Britches on Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I can now add The Kesh Jig and Woodchoopers Reel to my list, While I do not have them up to speed yet,
currently I have them at 70 BPM. Yes that is slow, but I fond this to be a better way to practice.
I recorded myself and fond that I was playing to fast and making a lot of mistakes. My goal is 120, but I am going to take it slow.
I kind of slacked of with Jerusalem Ridge last week , I only learned the A part. So maybe two tunes is more realistic.
Have a great week !
This weeks tunes :
Angus Campbell
Jerusalem Ridge ( B and C part )
Humbled by this instrument Says:
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 @10:18:04 AM
Good good. Jerusalem Ridge is worth the effort. Awesome tune!
Mandogryl Says:
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 @3:32:14 AM
Good going, John. Slower is better when learning. MOre important to get all the notes than to get all the speed.
I should practice what I preach! It is tempting to see if you can play as fast as your heros, or the recordings, but while learning getting all the notes in tune and the timing right....much more important.
Keep up the good work!
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