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I was sittin back last night thinking about how many things I have already tried to make myself a better fiddler. I had to laugh. I can't help but wonder if everyone has done the majority of the things I have done.
I have moved my left hand here and there and here and there just to try to find a spot that makes it easier for me to get to the G string....yep I then started trying to find positions with my elbow that would allow me to get there...yep I then tried getting my posture and position of the fiddle to get me there......this is stil ongoin
Shoulder rests Started with a kuns.....then went without.....back to kuns....then resonace..then without a rest...now I have ordered a Wolf primo
Right had grip on the bow....started with the TUF then Classical.....then TUF .....now I am back to classical
I cant even name all the ways I have tried to teach myself to learn music. I use computer programs...then cds...read books...watch youtube read sheet music set it aside then try to learn by ear......on and on....
Ohhhh and the funnest one. Trying to get that darn LOOSEY GOOSEY WRIST!!! I think I got it....then I dont .....then I do......then I dont!! Blah!
I sure hope I get all this stuff figured out before I keel over. Forget weight loss pills I want a darn pill to make the fiddle easy to play!
9 comments on “I cant help but laugh at this fiddle journey”
OTJunky Says:
Friday, July 3, 2009 @9:04:43 AM
Yeah - I'm with you.
I've tried all those things too and probably some we've both forgotten.
Don't know if it'll ever settle down though - in the end - the answer's probably to just pick something that's not rediculous, then practice, practice, practice...
I do get a little better every year though... :-)
FiddleJammer Says:
Friday, July 3, 2009 @10:31:01 AM
Just to throw it out here to help folks learn to read music... take 3 - 6 months of piano lessons. I've heard from quite a few people that the ability to understand white keys and black keys helps to understand better what goes on in the string world.
bj Says:
Friday, July 3, 2009 @10:59:11 AM
Terri's right about the dots and piano. Very easy to see the relationships in black and white! So if you do wanna learn to read . . . that's the way.
As to the rest of your list, yeah, you make me laugh! Been there, done that, wore out the teeshirt and used it for rags to clean the fiddle! And I'm also a work in progress.
I had a pain appear in my right thumb last week and for the life of me couldn't figure out what was causing it. It happened every damn time I played . . . until it just as mysteriously disappeared a few days later for no discernable reason. While it was there, I was trying every dang way you could think of (including a fist hold!) to be able to bow with no pain. Weird.
mudbug Says:
Friday, July 3, 2009 @11:03:25 AM
Sometimes major changes, sometimes subtle little shifts. Sometimes sounding great in the AM and SUCKING big time in the PM. Sometimes the reverse. If I do this, what does it feel like / sound like. Oh Yeah, sounds familiar.
Just remember, if it was easy, everyone would do it and there would be noone to play banjo ( smiley face), or nobody would do it ( why bother).
brya31 Says:
Friday, July 3, 2009 @11:27:50 AM
Sidenote: I have already taught myself to read music. No piano necessary. ; )
Cyndy Says:
Friday, July 3, 2009 @1:01:20 PM
Well, based on my experience today, I think all that experimentation is important. I moved my right index finger just a little bit further out on the bow a few hours ago (not sure what prompted me to try it) and I think it makes quite a difference. Better control and stronger sound on waltzes. Who would have thought? I didn't want to let go for fear I wouldn't ever be able to get my hand back into that position again! (laugh)
FiddleJammer Says:
Friday, July 3, 2009 @1:50:19 PM
Good for you, Rob. I thought you were talking about still struggling to read music. See, I think that's a huge step.
Rene Says:
Saturday, July 4, 2009 @5:12:44 AM
And we forget about just relaxing and letting our arms and wrist be free and find what is best for them which makes it all easier.
lrhamp Says:
Friday, July 10, 2009 @2:30:31 AM
You got to remember----the collar bone connected to the shoulder bone---connected to the elbow bone---connected to the wrist bone----connected to the finger bone. All these connected to the head bone----it just takes time.
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