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9/12DSL in, and I am hyperspaced

Posted by ladymuse on Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Crazy day (no sleep) Site being wonky, wmail all, and glad it's back!
Been playing alot of banjo lately - everytime I pick up the fiddle a tenant shows up - so I figure I will wait till later -  (I don't really want to poke my tenant's eyes out)

However, another tnent showed up (wonderfully geeky - I am a wanna be real   geek) and hooked everything up pronto! Walked me through it -and I am naturally blown away -

However, forgot that the phone now rings - so either I answer, or turn it off! ( LOL!)However, how nice to have that option.

(if you want to call and donate  $$ to Jenny's Home for the Charmingly Bewildered, I will pick it up...(8^O?

Hey! the text functions work now! COOL! Now I am going to take a well deserved nap - grabbed about 2 hours sleep last night, and am verging on the twilight Zone.

2 comments on “9/12DSL in, and I am hyperspaced”

SlowPockets Says:
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 @9:40:03 PM

Jenny I love your writing! I had to click on this blog just because the title was so funny :-D Glad you got everything hooked up with your DSL, now you can go nuts with the gifs. Have a peaceful nap :-)

Michael Keith Says:
Thursday, September 13, 2007 @11:56:36 AM

You sound like an extremely interesting person. Obviously a high IQ.

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