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Shopping 101

Posted by brya31 on Saturday, May 30, 2009

For the first time ever I have shown patience when it comes to buying something that I want.   I began my fiddle upgrade shopping this week and played some very very nice fiddles and for once, I showed patience  even though I had bigtime urges to buy buy buyyyyy.  For once I walked away and said I have to do some more comparing before I buy this fiddle because odds are this one will be my last.........I think.....  LOL   Anyway I am absolutly no fiddle expert,  I looked at some posts on here for advice and used that as I shopped, I looked for cracks, etc,  but I do trust the local folks so that wasnt as much of a concern.  I cant remember the names of the fiddles I played, but one was a "stainer"  one he said was an "ole bull"  one was a Russian made cornerless fiddle <--I really liked the looks of this one, but I did not like the sound of it at all.  He also said even though it had a Russian label, he still believes it to be made in Eastern Germany.  I played 8 fiddles and narrowed it down to 3..........yep you guessed it...the three most expensive ones!  He did complement ome n my ear for picking out the best ones, so maybe my ear is starting to learn this darn fiddle.  I am now going to shop around some more with another local fellow and see what he has to offer.  Whenever I finally decide to settle on one that just sweeps me off my feet, I will post some pics. 

6 comments on “Shopping 101”

mudbug Says:
Saturday, May 30, 2009 @4:48:40 AM

Good for you Brya. Oh, the joys of A / B ing instruments!

hwcox Says:
Saturday, May 30, 2009 @5:16:31 AM

Dare I ask the price range of these nice sounding fiddles? I am still playing on my free fiddle, and probably will be for awhile, but I'm just curious what I'm in for...

Rene Says:
Saturday, May 30, 2009 @6:03:59 AM

Good for you and how exciting. It's hard to control one's desire to obtain right this minute, great willpower!! Keeps us posted.

brya31 Says:
Saturday, May 30, 2009 @6:05:02 AM

Well he had the appraised value on all of them ranging from $280-$2000 The asking price was a bit better I have been a student of his for 1.5 years now so he did say he would sell them to me for much less than he will sell them to others the three that I really liked he offered to sell to me for $400 $600 $750 now this price is without bow or case. There of course were decent cheaper ones that were still much better than my student fiddle, but these were the ones that sounded sweet to me...and this decision is going to be based on what I like to hear rather than what I like to see

bj Says:
Saturday, May 30, 2009 @7:08:40 AM

It sounds like you've got a good handle on the whole process. We're all excited for you and can't wait to hear what you come up with. And you know labels don't mean a lot. I've heard good OT players playing both Stainer AND Ole Bull fiddles.

Funny, I've always been curious about those rubus russian fiddles, since I, too, love the looks of them, but more than one person has told me they don't sound very good. So you've confirmed what people who have been in the fiddle business for years have told me. So yeah, your ear has developed nicely!

Cyndy Says:
Saturday, May 30, 2009 @12:30:27 PM

By the end of the year I hope to have enough saved so that I can start looking and it's kind of fun to follow along with your shopping experience while I'm waiting . . .

Keep us posted! I'm very excited for you.


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