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i am looking for info about a fiddle maker , P. C. Poulsen
i have a fiddle with his label inside, also inside is another label
"rebuilt by Jarvis C. Weaver A.L. Howell 1946 "
could anyone please help me with finding info on the fiddle
fiddlepogo Says:
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @5:59:09 PM
Check this out-
scroll down to lot #116!
He was apparently based in Chicago.
This is one of those old automatic fiddle playing machines, and the fiddle part of it was made by P.C. Poulsen!
fiddlepogo Says:
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @6:13:42 PM
This Danish page shows a P.C. Poulsen who was a Danish Supreme Court judge- I doubt he's your man, unless fiddles were his hobby- the guy in Chicago is much more likely!
But the guy in Chicago could have been a Dane, and the P.C. could have stood for Poul Christian (Paul Christian?) just like the Danish judge.
99_ROY_D Says:
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @6:18:21 PM
thanks very much!!!
i bet the guy in chicago is it
another label inside says "rebuilt by Jarvis C. Weaver "
A.L. Howell 1946 "
any info on him?
fiddlepogo Says:
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @6:20:12 PM
There was a photographer named Poul C. Poulsen-
and search the name.
fiddlepogo Says:
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @6:35:12 PM
wikipedia on the Mills Novelty Co with a section on the Violano Virtuoso:
There is the possibility that when a Violano Virtuoso broke down and was junked, the violin was removed, and a fingerboard put on it.
(the one in the machine didn't have a fingerboard)
fiddlepogo Says:
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @6:38:47 PM
About all I can find on a Jarvis C. Weaver:
99_ROY_D Says:
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @9:09:17 PM
thanks for your help!!!
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