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Posted by banjofrailer on Wednesday, September 5, 2007
OTJunky Says:
Thursday, September 6, 2007 @8:07:33 AM
The Forum has a whole thread on "Bowing Patterns" started by dsreiner. It's under "Playing Advice".
It's a long thread that enumerates all the bowing used in American fiddling and lots of us have "emoted" throughout that thread on what kinds of bowing make sense to us and on how to incorporate the different bowings into our playing.
If you are just starting out, you'll want to work on the two most basic patterns that dsreiner describes in the first post - the "Saw Stroke" and the "West Virginia or French Canadian" bowing patterns. Another name for that bowing is the "Missouri bow".
When you have these mastered, the thing to add work on is probably the "Nashville Shuffle". When you have these three mastered - maybe a year from now ;-) - you can add in some of the other more advanced bowings.
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