Posted by ladymuse on Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Well, peaceful day for a change - emails and what not to catch up on - but tenants are down to a dull roar.
Pickin' up my fiddle all day - (Smile) Yeah, I still got the itch, after all these years.
Tenants didn't show up until later tonight - trying to leave for jam - (only 5 blocks away!) Got there late, didn't even bring fiddle though - it would have been too late to set up and join in.
But, what was great was I got to listen - and sing -(woodshed) tunes I never heard - and can't find any music or midi's - so if anyone can direct me, please!
1. Carolina Star (John Starling) ...even the stars get lonely....
2. Glendale Train (some guy in 15 pieces /15 counties)
3. Katie (Katy?) Daley - ???? (as I was coming in)
It was small - a bass, 3 quitars, a mando -a fiddle - and me singing bass/tenor lines (Hey - I can follow chord charts - pretty easy)
But there was some guy with a mando - and he noodled the ENTIRE time, in between songs, while talking, etc. It was excrutiatingly distracting - and I can't figure out why the "old timers" who are all on the board and were running the jam -didn't say anything.
If I had had my bow, I would have popped him one.
however, one of them found out I could pretty much blind sing by ear, so we are going to get together to work on the notated/recorded (cd) side of the tunes, since not everyone knows all of them. Something tangible -
That was very cool, and something I would love to help with, since I can transcribe stuff easily.
Then I got back and looked at all my overdue email. Yikes!
So that's what I am going to be catching up on! It's great though that the weather finally is turning a bit (for now) it's like 55 degrees outside! LUSH! (better than 95 +!)
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