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Folk Festival 2009 at MtnView has come and gone, but the memories linger. My 32rd consecutive year. Another opporutunity to visit with friends and make new ones. Another opportunity to play tunes and learn new ones. Another opportunity to forget the tunes I just learned.
As usual OT Central was the porch of the Wildflower B&B. The few sprinkles of rain that joined us just added to excitement and provided momentary gentle backdrop of sound. JR and Pam, the owners of the B&B welcomed everyone onto their porch and showered us with attention, which we all appreciated.
One of the unique memories was the abundant presence of old Martin guitars! At one time there were three pre-1940 OO-21's! I personally like the warm, rich sound of these small body guitars that doesn't overpower the other instruments. There were some newer ones (small body), too, which were also quite nice. Oh, and there were several excellent clawhammer banjoists. Again, I enjoy the banjo/fiddle. They just complement each other. And, did I mention that the guitars didn't overpower. And the sad thing was that there were times on the porch when you couldn't see the musicians for all of the fiddlers!
The weekend came to an end all too soon, but I was satisfied and happy. For me, having an opportunity to see friends was the highlight - to play tunes with them was just icing on the cake.
Over Saturday dinner we again came to realize that many of us were the keepers of the music tradition of that area. Most of the old-timers had passed on, leaving us to remember for them. It's a big responsibility, but I think I am up to it.
I'll put some photos up on my HP. Several FHO members were there.
4 comments on “Another Great Festival at MtnView, AR 2009”
bsed55 Says:
Sunday, April 26, 2009 @6:24:30 PM
Are you coming up to Mtn View in August? I'm planning on being there. Would be great to meet you. also.....I have one of those small Martin guitars, purchased about 3 yrs ago (hecho en Mexico, no en Pennsylvania.....but that's OK, because me gusto mi Martin muy bien!)
Ozarkian DL Says:
Monday, April 27, 2009 @7:27:39 AM
Thnx. fer tha pics. & 09 festival report Kirk. Mo. has a Mt. View too, but alas no festival. Sounds like tha B&B needs a bigger porch.....YEAHHH.
Fiddler Says:
Monday, April 27, 2009 @8:16:05 AM
Yes, a bigger porch is needed, but then it wouldn't be the Wildflower!
bsed -- unfortunately, I won't be there in August. I'll be at a conference in D.C.
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