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TUF Here I come!

Posted by brya31 on Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Well,  as you may know my bowing lately has gone from bad to worse.  Being a Cub fan my whole life, I can deal with disappointment.  I began tonight with my classical grip doing long bows on the scales, by the time I was half way through my  bow hand really felt uncomfortable.  So, I thought, well, what the heck, I have nothing to lose, I stink right now so I thought I would go back and re visit TUF.  This is what my instructor has always wanted me to do and I noticed one of the other old time fiddlers at the jam does this.  I spent an hour on my scales doing the long bows with the TUF and I have to admit for the first time in a while I felt pretty good about my bowing.  I played Angelina the Baker...since this is the one that embarassed me at the last jam and I did pretty good.  I am going to give TUF a longer shot this time than I did the first time.  I will really focus on long straight bows to warm up on all the scales.  I am hoping I can get muscle memory that will eventually keep that darn bow straight.


I hope my bowing turns around before the Cubs make the world series.  ;  )

4 comments on “TUF Here I come!”

Rene Says:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 @6:34:17 PM

TUF (thumb under frog?). I switched to that way about 6 months ago and it has really loosened me up. My wrist is much more relaxed and limber like it is suppose to be. I do tense up when playing fast however. You'll get the hang of it. My jam last weekend was awful also, I"m sure the others wished I would hurry and go home.

bj Says:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 @7:00:29 PM

Geez, some things never change. I can remember buying a whole box FULL of major league baseball decals when I was a kid, probably my first yard sale purchase ever. I was excited until I realized that half the boxful was Cubs . . . and there was only ONE Yankees decal.

Finding the bow hold and motion that works for you is a process,and it takes awhile. And as Jane reminded me last night, things are most difficult right before we have a major breakthrough. Hang in there!

Swing Says:
Thursday, April 23, 2009 @6:04:49 AM

I would not change too many things at may find yourself having a more difficult time than jsut doing one thing and then going on to the next upgrade.

Play Happy

fiddlepogo Says:
Friday, April 24, 2009 @5:55:59 PM

I had thought that maybe I would try using the conventional grip for waltzes,
but the problem with doing that is that TUF gives me better control on long bows, so there's no point to switching to TOS for that, either.

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