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Tonight went great! I am officially mute free!!!! wohooooo
4 comments on “I am officially mute free”
Rene Says:
Saturday, April 4, 2009 @8:12:25 PM
Told ya. I knew you could do it.
My husband keeps trying to mute me (Smile) but can't find a strong enough mute.
bj Says:
Sunday, April 5, 2009 @6:44:38 AM
CONGRATS! Feels good, huh?
brya31 Says:
Sunday, April 5, 2009 @8:45:19 AM
LOL Rene, thanks for the vote of confidence bj, Rene....and you too Dee! : )
tiquose Says:
Sunday, April 5, 2009 @4:23:09 PM
A year from now you will play louder than ever, with better tone and intonation and lots more confidence. I know. I'm a reformed mute user myself.
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