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My mute is with the fiddle that is being worked on. Dear Lord please dont let me stick out like a sore thumb. Please dont let the guy next to me turn away. Please let let the person across from squint in agony. Amen.
3 comments on “Jammin with no mute tonight”
bj Says:
Saturday, April 4, 2009 @10:07:12 AM
You'll do fine. Just play softly. That's a great lesson for you, actually. You'll learn a lot of bow control.
Rene Says:
Saturday, April 4, 2009 @10:45:51 AM
You can do it, remember, I've finally moved up from "just starting" . Hope to hear a report tommorow.
We all know you can do it.
FiddleCat Says:
Saturday, April 4, 2009 @5:28:27 PM
Yea!! You'll do great.
When I took mine off I wondered why I didn't sooner. Much better :O)
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