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Mr Chinese fiddle gets a workover

Posted by brya31 on Saturday, March 28, 2009

Well, I finally broke down and decided to give my Chinese fiddle some attention.  It sounded soo darn cheap since I bought it, that I havent played it much, instead I focused on my Strad copy.  Well I figured Im gonna put some Dominants on it and have the bridge cut down to match my Strad copy and see what happens.  If it still sounds like a dolphin squeeking Im gonna give up on the poor feller and start dreaming about an upgrade.  I dont know if the string difference will help or not, but when I put Helicores on my strad copy it certainly gave it a big boost.  Why didnt I go with Helicores again. I feel the Helicores are great , but sometimes they seem to darn loud...kinda a high pitch loud, I would like to be a little mellower than that.  But of course, I suppose it could just be the fiddle its on, but from what I read the synthetics are as loud sounding as the steel string.  Oh what the heck.....I dunno...I just decided to go with Dominants. 

2 comments on “Mr Chinese fiddle gets a workover”

bj Says:
Saturday, March 28, 2009 @5:41:00 PM

Well, since the chinese fiddles can sometimes be overly bright (yes, that's a generalization, and may not be true) then the dominants might be a good match on it.

As to your strad copy being loud. I know that's hard to appreciate now, but in a couple years, as your skills grow, you are going to come to an appreciation of its voice.

Let us know how it goes . . .

carlb Says:
Friday, April 3, 2009 @1:23:33 PM

Now, I know luthier who really does give some new Chinese fiddles a work over. He removes the top and then re-graduates the instrument. I've played some of the ones he did and they really pretty good

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