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Boy do I feel like a dope. Times have been tough for me lately, as some of you may now I am in the auto industry and may be laid off next week. I havent always agreed with my instructors techniques and have thought sometimes that he wasnt really that focused on me. I called him today to tell him that due to financial reasons I was not going to be coming to him anymore. <--I left this message with his wife. An hour later I get a call at work and its my instructor on the line. How the heck he got a hold of me at work Ill never know, but gosh I sure felt like he must be gonna call and say he understands and that I should get back with him when I get some more cash flow. <--I am a dummy He really called to tell me that he doesnt care about the money, all he wants to do is teach me how to become a good fiddler and that if I dont have the cash to pay him, then so be it, he still wants me to come to his house and he will teach me for nothing. Boy did I feel low. This truely showed me that this old fiddler was not in it for the money at all, he truely cares about me and my being a fiddler. I got teary eyed for a moment. Glad none of the guys at work seen that, they already call me a cute violinist. I have rededicated myself and I am back on the horse. I listened in tonight lesson more than ever and made sure I clearly listened to all the little things he tells me that I might have overlooked before. I will never doubt the old fiddler again. He clearly showed me that music and fiddlin is a passion that comes from the heart and not the wallet.
11 comments on “Instructor about brought me to tears”
OTJunky Says:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @5:15:58 PM
What a heart warming story - this is the way it's supposed to work.
Thanks for letting us hear this.
robinja Says:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @7:05:55 PM
That's a great story. A testament to the character of your teacher and a testament to your potential as a fiddler.
bj Says:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @8:36:05 PM
Well, I'm glad to hear that list of questions will come in handy. :-)
I'm glad for the both of you. And it's possible he needs you as much as you need him. He may have a real need to pass on what he knows, now that he's getting up there in years. Be happy and proud you're the one to whom he's chosen to pass his torch.
Swing Says:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @4:37:36 AM
Life always teaches us a lesson when we least expect it, this time you learned that people do care and that you were overlooking someone special.... play happy
Rene Says:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @9:55:27 AM
Good to hear it. We've been down that road of unemployment so I know how that goes. We also were blessed with unexpected acts of kindness. Hope I'm able to do the same for someone else.
Practice hard.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @11:00:05 AM
A really nice story to read. Glad you took the time to tell it. I'm self employed and these last couple months have been pretty darned lean for me... This economy thing is more and more amazing and frightening with each passing day. Financial worries have a way of pushing out everything else, but to paraphrase an old comic strip some here might recognize, a fiddle will get you through times with no money, better than money would get you through times with no fiddle. Best wishes to both of you in the teaching-learning process...
kubasa Says:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @11:04:10 AM
That's great. I'm sure that someday down the road you'll have the opportunity to return the favor or pass the favor onto to someone else. I sure hope your job works out for you!
brya31 Says:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @4:42:49 PM
Thank you all for your kind words.
bsed55 Says:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @6:37:01 PM
When I read the title I thought "What kind of insensitive instrucor did you have?" I'm hear-warned to hear your story. I wonder if I'd have done the same. I'd like to say 'yes'. But more importantly I wish you the best of luck getting through these tough econmic times. Just remember (if you do lose your job): You're in lots of good company. Take care!
wormbower Says:
Saturday, February 14, 2009 @4:58:03 PM
I thought the same thing as bsed. What a great story and a great instructor. Now, go work hard on those lessons and make him proud. Some day you'll get to give it back to someone else. Won't that feel great!
Humbled by this instrument Says:
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @11:20:08 PM
Awesome. Just awesome. When I first read the title, I thought, "Now there have been times when my playing is so bad that I have driven my instructors to tears...." Anyways, hope things work out, and thanks for posting this great story.
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