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Beg. Audacity Part 2- when you have a crappy mic

Posted by ladymuse on Saturday, November 29, 2008

OK - so I'm learning - the cat's meowing in the background -

I only have a crappy mike - (think it went to a voice recorder - one of those cheapies from walmart - )

Yes, it recorded - I could see it - (just barely) so I went to figure out how to up it - (everything input was maxed)

If you are willing to be masochistic, you can do this - if you have no real place set up to record - (I have the computer in the kitchen, currently)

After many configs - (like balancing mic on coffee can, hanging from ceiling, etc - I ended up wrapping cord around my neck, and holding it under my chin - between me and the chin rest - the bubble head touching the fiddle/wood near the bridge.

This time the monitor actually was reading when I played notes -

I had that prior mp3 track, to record against - but that was WAY too loud - so I have to figure out how to reduce the volume of what one imports - (at least recording-wise (Clues?)

However, this time, I did actually hear the fiddle just above the mp3 -

however, one can't play too smoothly or comfortably when one is trying to hold a microphone with one's chin, and bow and check levels at the same time -

BUT! It can be done if you are really hard up.

I have seen Zoom h2 post about using it as a mike, and the Samson -

Give me a clue folks - what "Kind" of mic (think -usb analog, voice, condensor, with pre-amp? - etc - should I be looking for?

Or should I get a pickup/mic that attaches to the bridge - (hopefully not permanently, as It will also have to double to record clawhammer - (so it's for recording acoustic, but needs to be low in price)

Doesn't someone make ~sticky mics (pickups)~ that you can just place (with some rubber cement or a glue dot) on your instrument's flat surface or head, and then remove? (I think I am thinking stethascope - LOL!)

Man - do I misss having a recording studio!!!! But - what the hey -


4 comments on “Beg. Audacity Part 2- when you have a crappy mic”

bj Says:
Saturday, November 29, 2008 @8:55:33 PM

You're probably best off with a USB mic, since they're fairly strong from what I understand, and a fair bit cheaper than the H2. A regular computer mic is pretty wimpy. One thing you might be able to do is if you have a practice amp, you can use it as a pre-amp for your wimpy mic and just jack through it, Use the headphone output on the practice amp to hook to the input on the puter, if you have the cords and jacks/adapters that will do the job. If your junk drawer looks anything like mine, you might.

bj Says:
Saturday, November 29, 2008 @8:57:20 PM

Actually Jen, that recent forum post where you asked about the h2 zoom has all the answers you need.

ladymuse Says:
Sunday, November 30, 2008 @12:33:00 PM

Yeah - I am reading everything again! (you know how you understand more the more you get familiar with the area -
however, the practice amp is a not recently thought of idea, and I do have a small decent one - Course, I don' t hold out much hope for my kitchen remaining a kitchen! LOL!
Time to regrow neural pathways - duh duh - but have to use what I have at the moment -

bj Says:
Monday, December 1, 2008 @8:58:06 AM

Oh, did you consider HANGING the mike pointing down? I'm sure you can rig something to do that. I've got my mic fastened to the top of my 'puter monitor on a sideways stand, so it swings out toward me. I used that for awhile before I got the h2 zoom, and though wimpy it worked sorta. I fasten the h2 zoom to my camera tripod, and that works a treat. Geez, a music stand and some duct tape will work!

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