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Posted by banjofrailer on Sunday, July 29, 2007
Anyone out there that can up-load any audio files of the scales; playing them slowly?
This would be great! Also some "simple tunes" in the scale would be cool too....thanks all!
3 comments on “SCALE AUDIO???”
FiddleJammer Says:
Sunday, July 29, 2007 @5:39:36 PM
You can print out diagrams of scales here http://www.studybass.com/tools/chord-scale-note-printer/ It's not an audio, but it has a good graphics of scale diagrams.
banjofrailer Says:
Sunday, July 29, 2007 @8:40:46 PM
Why thanks! Got the "Texas Shelas'" unter my fingers. The 3rd part is tough right off but I am able to do it. I'll be better tomorrow. THANKS! JD
fiddlerdi Says:
Monday, July 30, 2007 @8:50:03 PM
You could go to the (don't laugh) MrFiddle.com website. He plays all the scales in one, two and three octaves, plus arpeggios, melodic and harmonic minors. I can' say they are real slow but I bet with a little creativity you could use some electronic too,l like the Amazing Slow Downer to get they the speed you need. When you get to his website, scroll down a ways to find it . It says all the different types of scales and it's really helpful.
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