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My grandfather was a fiddle maker. All my life I have been in awe of the one survivor that stayed in the family and I am determined that I will be a builder. J W Green has been my mentor and coach for the past two years. He has a rule that it takes twelve fiddles to be a maker. His theory is, by number twelve one will encounter most issues will show up. I was thrilled the other day when Mr Green said he was cutting me back to ten. I have been blessed to have this passion in my genes and to have met J W. I will never forget the feeling I had when I pulled a bow across my first fiddle. I felt a reverence to my grandfather and Mr Green. Its my hope that someday I can pass this gift on.
brya31 Says:
Thursday, October 2, 2008 @9:37:04 AM
I would love to see pics of some of your work
kubasa Says:
Thursday, October 2, 2008 @12:57:03 PM
"I will never forget the feeling I had when I pulled a bow across my first fiddle"
It's truly an awesome feeling. It's great that you can work under the mentor ship of someone like JW Green. I'd love to see some pics also. I'll be posting pics of my next fiddle - soon, I hope....
bj Says:
Thursday, October 2, 2008 @3:31:54 PM
I hope you post some photos in your album soon. We'd love to see what you're up to.
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