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Oct 5, 2023 - 7:53:52 AM
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461 posts since 11/26/2013

2 street playing incidences I love to recall.

On a July 4th, my brother and I were playing outside the NYC Library. We had a really good crowd around us. All of a sudden, when people would reach into the pocket for some money, and put their hand over the open case to drop some , this homeless guy would reach out and smack the top of their hand so they would drop all the contents of their hand. Worked well and he kept that up for a long time! We ended up buying him some liquor as a reward!

Another time, i was playing with a bluegrass group right outside a theater on Bleeker St, in the East Village in NYC, with a good size crowd. It so happened that Martin, Bogen and Armstong were performing in the theater that night. They came up to us and gave us a great tip, $20. More importantly, they stuck around and we chatted for a while. They told us when busking make sure to wear your best clothes and finest jewelry, because tippers will always try to seem like they are better off then you are. We tried that a few nights later and man, it worked!

I always liked street playing, the feedback on your playing is so immediate. Lots of people - playing well; no people - need more practice!

Oct 7, 2023 - 2:49:22 PM

11650 posts since 3/19/2009

A moderator can delete this if it seems inappropriate.. So, I'm busking and this college? girl walks by wearing not only Short shorts but SHORT SHORT SHORTS... That is her butt cheeks are showing by 3 inches.. seems to be the style.. As she passes this old man, she demonstrates her modesty by pulling down her shorts soze that only 2 inches of her butt cheeks show.. Who can argue with that?laugh

Oct 7, 2023 - 3:09:12 PM

2683 posts since 8/27/2008

Oct 13, 2023 - 1:53:45 PM

11650 posts since 3/19/2009

Busking keeps us humble.. The past few days Larry and I have gone busking and we've brought in virtually tons of money.. but wait, there is more.. It is busking we are talking about.. Today, same town, same crowds, same good weather, we both brought in tips  totaling less than 1/2 those we had for the past three days. The difference? WHO THE HE%% KNOWS.. Some days the busking Gods giveth and some days the busking Gods taketh..laugh.... As we always say, busking is like a crap never know how the dice will fall.. The month of October in our area is our last "Harrah"..then comes cold weather.. so we'll be out on the street most days...(*****ing, but loving Every minute).....

Oct 14, 2023 - 3:12:32 PM
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11650 posts since 3/19/2009

I had a record day for the year today, tipewise... Apparently cold, dreary, windy, rainy weather encourages people to tip... or maybe it was the 60% solar eclipse?????
Anyway.. yesterday, after busking we stopped by our favorite haunt for a beer on the way home. We usually sit at the bar and count our cash tips, pay for our beer in cash and go home.. Between the two of us we offered $20 in cash for two beers which would include a tip. The bartender promptly put the cash into his wallet.!!! That was a red flag for me.. I told him that he needed to ring up the money on the cash register..which he "apparently" did, but as we left he still had the cash in his wallet.. I contacted the manager the next day and explained that the bar has a thief employed. He and I will be on the watch. I suspect that that bartender's days of employment are limited.. It was so Blatant for him to put the cash into his wallet right in front of us.. As a former business owner I know how employee theft can negatively effect a business.

Oct 14, 2023 - 4:18:52 PM
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2683 posts since 8/27/2008

That's a very generous tip. No reason for him to steal the rest. What a lowlife. I prefer the recent story about visible butt cheeks. More up my alley. I also envy you your regular busking, something that doesn't happen around here. I guess I could just take my fiddle to town and go for it... need reliable accompaniment though. Used to play for markets and such. Markets and players are gone now. But, back to the butt cheeks...

Oct 14, 2023 - 4:30:22 PM

11650 posts since 3/19/2009

Originally posted by Brian Wood

That's a very generous tip. No reason for him to steal the rest. What a lowlife. I prefer the recent story about visible butt cheeks. More up my alley. I also envy you your regular busking, something that doesn't happen around here. I guess I could just take my fiddle to town and go for it... need reliable accompaniment though. Used to play for markets and such. Markets and players are gone now. But, back to the butt cheeks...

Yes.. butt cheeks.. I only see that style in Bloomington near the University.. I swear  some of those girls allow Every part of their body, none exempted, covered by skin tight cloth to show..and I'll assume that they wonder why men see them as sex objects!..Anyway, I'm too old to get involved!!!.. When I'm in Nashville (tourist town), people dress more conservatively  and frankly, I like that better.  

Oct 14, 2023 - 8:21:02 PM



912 posts since 4/20/2008

Originally posted by TuneWeaver

I had a record day for the year today, tipewise... Apparently cold, dreary, windy, rainy weather encourages people to tip... or maybe it was the 60% solar eclipse?????
Anyway.. yesterday, after busking we stopped by our favorite haunt for a beer on the way home. We usually sit at the bar and count our cash tips, pay for our beer in cash and go home.. Between the two of us we offered $20 in cash for two beers which would include a tip. The bartender promptly put the cash into his wallet.!!! That was a red flag for me.. I told him that he needed to ring up the money on the cash register..which he "apparently" did, but as we left he still had the cash in his wallet.. I contacted the manager the next day and explained that the bar has a thief employed. He and I will be on the watch. I suspect that that bartender's days of employment are limited.. It was so Blatant for him to put the cash into his wallet right in front of us.. As a former business owner I know how employee theft can negatively effect a business.

I go to this diner occasionally and if i pay cash, i have to pay my waiter, if i use a card, i have to use the register up front, since the waiters keep their own tills, so if i pay for my meal and Tip totalling $20, their behavior would be exactly as you describe, putting it in the wallet.

Oct 15, 2023 - 4:20:02 AM

11650 posts since 3/19/2009

Originally posted by gapbob
Originally posted by TuneWeaver

I had a record day for the year today, tipewise... Apparently cold, dreary, windy, rainy weather encourages people to tip... or maybe it was the 60% solar eclipse?????
Anyway.. yesterday, after busking we stopped by our favorite haunt for a beer on the way home. We usually sit at the bar and count our cash tips, pay for our beer in cash and go home.. Between the two of us we offered $20 in cash for two beers which would include a tip. The bartender promptly put the cash into his wallet.!!! That was a red flag for me.. I told him that he needed to ring up the money on the cash register..which he "apparently" did, but as we left he still had the cash in his wallet.. I contacted the manager the next day and explained that the bar has a thief employed. He and I will be on the watch. I suspect that that bartender's days of employment are limited.. It was so Blatant for him to put the cash into his wallet right in front of us.. As a former business owner I know how employee theft can negatively effect a business.

I go to this diner occasionally and if i pay cash, i have to pay my waiter, if i use a card, i have to use the register up front, since the waiters keep their own tills, so if i pay for my meal and Tip totalling $20, their behavior would be exactly as you describe, putting it in the wallet.

Yes, others have mentioned that.  In this case there was no bill...I had to ask him to ring it up so I could get a receipt but he let the money in his pocket...  I'm trusting that the restaurant manager will work it out.  

Edited by - TuneWeaver on 10/15/2023 04:22:05

Oct 25, 2023 - 2:09:54 PM

11650 posts since 3/19/2009

Originally posted by TuneWeaver

I had a record day for the year today, tipewise... Apparently cold, dreary, windy, rainy weather encourages people to tip... or maybe it was the 60% solar eclipse?????
Anyway.. yesterday, after busking we stopped by our favorite haunt for a beer on the way home. We usually sit at the bar and count our cash tips, pay for our beer in cash and go home.. Between the two of us we offered $20 in cash for two beers which would include a tip. The bartender promptly put the cash into his wallet.!!! That was a red flag for me.. I told him that he needed to ring up the money on the cash register..which he "apparently" did, but as we left he still had the cash in his wallet.. I contacted the manager the next day and explained that the bar has a thief employed. He and I will be on the watch. I suspect that that bartender's days of employment are limited.. It was so Blatant for him to put the cash into his wallet right in front of us.. As a former business owner I know how employee theft can negatively effect a business.

Well he did it again and this time lost his job. Larry and i each ordered a $7 beer each put $10 cash on the bar, beer plus tip.  The bartender never came to get the money, didn't ring anything up like all of the other bartenders normally do and gave no receipt.. When we left,  the money was still on the bar. I called the manager and suggested that he check to see if the beer was ever wasn't....The bartender was fired..Too bad though because I got to practice my Spanish language with him..Let it be said that I'm a 'company man'.. I've seen a lot of employee theft and have an eye/ear for when something is not right with an employees behaviour....

Back to busking.. Yesterday I played a tune that was first recorded in 1925.. I played if for an old lady in a wheelchair and said "here is  a tune that is older than you.".. SHe said, "I doubt it".. She went on to say that she was born in 1921...Proved me wrong.  I think that she was the oldest person I've ever met while busking..

Edited by - TuneWeaver on 10/25/2023 14:12:38

Oct 27, 2023 - 1:48:56 PM
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11650 posts since 3/19/2009

Had to laugh at myself. Today I was playing my heart out ..I"d forgotten to wear a hat by the way. There were several people watching me and Harry Hare from across the street. Eventually this guy comes over with a dollar in his hand and says, "I can't help myself.. You two are So entertaining. Looks like you are having a bad hair day.".....I apologized for my scraggly hair saying that I'd forgotten to bring a hat today. Later, I was relating the event to my buddy, Larry, and he said, "Are you sure that he didn't mean a bad HARE day?" Yep.. I apparently missed the humour that the guy had intended.. DUH..!!!'
BTW.. There has always been a little friendly competition between me and Larry. He busks with a concertina. Generally I'll usually make double the tips he makes and there has always been some "You beat me today" or "Looks like I beat you today".. I've decided, and told him that from now on there is NO competition.. it is not a contest.. I make 'X' money and he makes "X" money.. No more talk about who made more.. I don't want to feel or support the idea that one of us is doing better than the other... Friends first, buskers next. NEVER competitors..

Edited by - TuneWeaver on 10/27/2023 13:49:14

Oct 29, 2023 - 1:50:36 PM
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11650 posts since 3/19/2009

Cold but fun busking today. I'd hoped for a daily total of $55 ... First two tips were $20 each, so the goal was assured.. A guy came by and tipped an appreciated dollar and we chatted and he BET that he was older than me.. I said, "I'm 78".... He have me an extra dollar and acknowledged that he is just 77. .. Nice, but I wish I was younger.. win/lose....!!laugh

Oct 29, 2023 - 6:30:03 PM

6839 posts since 9/26/2008

What kind of music does Larry play on his concertina? Did you meet the guy I played the band contest with at Clifftop 2019? He played all styles and played the hell out of old time!

Oct 29, 2023 - 6:36:22 PM

11650 posts since 3/19/2009

Originally posted by ChickenMan

What kind of music does Larry play on his concertina? Did you meet the guy I played the band contest with at Clifftop 2019? He played all styles and played the hell out of old time



Larry doesn't play old time on his concertina.. He plays a mix of celtic/pirate tunes.. He does quite well..

Oct 29, 2023 - 8:49 PM
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6839 posts since 9/26/2008

That's what I figured. Tell him I said hi smiley

Edited by - ChickenMan on 10/29/2023 20:49:14

Nov 3, 2023 - 3:25:44 PM

11650 posts since 3/19/2009

With the happy must comes the sad.. Just received a FB notice that Jerry Mc Hugh died of brain cancer.. Neither here nor there but he was a big supporter of beginner banjo players at Clifftop.
Now, onto busking. Today, I was having fun, as usual, until a big gust of wind tipped my tip jar over and 6-8 dollar bills went flying up the street.. I tried to unhook myself from the puppet so I could go fetch the money blowing around in the TRAFFIC. Several passersby witnessed my problem and tried to corner the bills. An emergency vehicle put on it's emergency lights and blocked traffic while "WE" gathered bill from all around.. Never a dull moment for us buskers..

Need to add.  Today I met the grandson of John Short.. you know, John Short's Tune?... He went on for a while..very proud of his heritage..

Edited by - TuneWeaver on 11/03/2023 15:28:27

Nov 3, 2023 - 3:49:12 PM
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6839 posts since 9/26/2008

That is super sad news about Jerry.

I'm going to go play some tunes and have some bourbon in his memory.

Nov 3, 2023 - 4:17:59 PM

11650 posts since 3/19/2009

Originally posted by ChickenMan

That is super sad news about Jerry.

I'm going to go play some tunes and have some bourbon in his memory.

I'll Join you !!. 

Nov 4, 2023 - 5:17:41 PM

11650 posts since 3/19/2009

RIP Andy Coffey, who died due to a worksite fall. Andy and I were not only busking friends but FRIENDS first. He had a powerful voice and was well known around Bloomington. I'll miss him.

Dec 8, 2023 - 4:35:58 PM

11650 posts since 3/19/2009

So, I'm busking and having a nice time. A family of parents, grandparents and 4-5 kids aged from about 14-4 stops to listen. The oldest child, the one about 14 says she can play a violin.. So I let here use my fiddle and she played a nice version of The FIrst Noel...then, while handing the violin back to me she askes, ''Are you born again?"... I was quiet for a moment and replied, "I'm not going to comment on that".. Later her mother asked me if I knew the true meaning of Christmas..........Frankly, they were a nice family but I thought that both questions were inappropriate in that situation......What do you think?

Dec 8, 2023 - 5:11:46 PM
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Old Scratch


1309 posts since 6/22/2016

Well, yeah - but what kin ya do ... ?

Dec 8, 2023 - 5:17:08 PM

11650 posts since 3/19/2009

Originally posted by Old Scratch

Well, yeah - but what kin ya do ... ?

Cain't do nuttin...!  If I was snarky, I'd have said, "What? Don't you believe that Consciousness is God?"... Think about it.  Would they have asked the gal in the Ice cream store that same question? or the waitress in a restaurant?  There is a  time and place for everything.. I LOVE to debate religion, but hey, as a busker..I'm WORKING, lets save religious discussions for later..laugh I think I did the correct thing by not allowing myself to get into the topic on the sidewalk, while busking, with other people around.. Plus.. when the left I realized that hadn't given a tip...!!! Had to laugh..

Edited by - TuneWeaver on 12/08/2023 17:18:50

Feb 3, 2024 - 1:07:55 PM
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11650 posts since 3/19/2009

Today, Feb 3rd, was the first time out busking in 2024. A talkative homeless guy who I'd never seen before began talking to me and he had a speech impediment that kept me from understanding even ONE word that he said. I thought he said he could play a fiddle, then I thought he said something about $4 and then I thought he was going to mug me.. very confusing.. Finally, he pulled out a wad of money and put $60 into my tip jar. I told him that he needed that money more than I did but he just walked away.... Always something.. Then followed the man who brought his 2 year old daughter and we had a good time. He tipped.....$100 bill !! Other tips came and it was almost a $200, one hour busking experience. An all time record for sure.
Here is the thing. As I approached the busking area I thought about which corner to busk on... I said to myself, "Self, you never know which corner a $100 tipper may pass on.. so Just go Anywhere." Yep, Busking is a game of pure chance.. but First you need to show up!!

Edited by - TuneWeaver on 02/03/2024 13:09:13

Feb 4, 2024 - 7:23:48 PM

6839 posts since 9/26/2008

surprise !!!

Mar 1, 2024 - 2:07:52 PM
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11650 posts since 3/19/2009

Well az you can see, the busking season has gotten into full swing a little early due to the mild winter..
The other day as I was busking I watched a liquor salesman unloaded samples of various bottles of libations from his car trunk to give to restaurant owners..As he passed me I suggested that he might leave me a bottle as a tip.. He laughed.. Well, later he stopped by and gave me TWO bottles ( 1 oz each) of PEANUT BUTTER< BANANA liquor... you know,, the stuff whats da winos drink.. Very funny. So the next day, my favorite homeless guy, Gene (Love him, really I do), came by and I gave those bottles to him.. He was very happy to receive them and I was very happy to get rid of them..
On that same day.. It seems that I'd paid for two hours of parking and there were still 30 minutes to go and I was tired and considered leaving the scene.. Then, I reminded myself of the "never leave early'' guideline that I try to follow.. Sure enough, just MOMENTS after I decided to stay, a shadow came over me from behind.. It was the cook from the restaurant I was busking in front of. He tipped me $5 and said that he'd buy me a beer anytime I came in and got his attention.. Then, shortly thereafter I received two other, a $20..Have I mentioned lately that I love Busking???

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